Contributions and FeesFees for a Second Degree Programme

Students completing a second degree programme at Heidelberg University must pay a fee. A second course of study is subject to a fee of 650 EUR per semester.

A second degree is a second or additional academic programme (or a second or additional Master’s degree programme) which is begun after successful completion of a first degree course (in Germany) or equivalent programme.


Students who are already enrolled may complete their current degree programme in accordance with current regulations. This protection no longer applies if students transfer to an alternative degree programme.

Students who are required to study two subjects for professional reasons (i.e. orthognathic surgery) may also continue their current programme without paying these fees. Students who must complete a second degree component as part of teacher training may also continue their studies without paying these fees.

Students’ first degree course, including a Bachelor’s degree programme and a Master’s degree programme, continue to be free of charge. This is also the case for a first doctorate.


In a small number of cases, students may be exempted from payment of tuition fees for a second degree programme (§ 8, paragraph 4, State Higher Education Fees Act - Landeshochschulgebührengesetz, LHGebG). Depending on the grounds for the exemption, it may be granted for one semester, or for the duration of the standard period of study for the degree programme. 

Students with a disability, as defined in § 2 of the Ninth Book of the German Social Welfare Code (Neuntes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch), may submit an application to be exempted from payment of tuition fees. 

Students may apply for an exemption in the following cases: 

  • during a leave of absence in accordance with § 61 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz - LHG) 
  • during the completion of a practical year in accordance with § 1, paragraph 2, clause 1, item 1 of the Licensing Act for Doctors (Approbationsordnung für Ärzte) or 
  • during the completion of a practical semester in accordance with § 29, paragraph 3, clause 2 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz - LHG) 

Students may be exempted from the payment of tuition fees for the duration of those periods named above. Following this, students will again be required to pay tuition fees.


Applications for exemption from payment of tuition fees must be submitted by 15 July for the forthcoming Winter semester, or by 15 February for the forthcoming Summer semester. At the very latest, applications for exemption from the payment of tuition fees must be submitted before the beginning of the lecture period. Information on the required documentation can be found on the application form.

International students

For international students from non-EU/EEA countries who have non-German university entrance qualifications, specific rules apply with regard to fees for undergraduate degrees and consecutive Master’s degree programmes for first and second degree programmes. For further information, please refer to the Higher Education Fees Act of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgebührengesetz, §3- §8, LHGebG).