Cooperation 4EU+ European University Alliance
The 4EU+ European University Alliance is a transnational strategic association of Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Sorbonne University in Paris, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Geneva, the University of Milan, and the University of Warsaw. The alliance aims to create a new quality of cooperation between the eight European research universities in education, teaching, research, transfer and administration.

Building on existing collaborations, 4EU+ will establish the appropriate infrastructure to bring together students, teachers and researchers from the partner universities. The cooperation, originally called 4EU, was founded in March 2018 by the universities of Prague, Heidelberg, the Sorbonne in Paris and Warsaw, and expanded in October 2018 under the name 4EU+ to include the universities of Copenhagen and Milan. The University of Geneva has been a member of the alliance since August 2022. In July 2023 Paris-Panthéon-Assas University joined the association. The partnership grew out of the idea of a European university based on academic freedom and autonomy that wants to offer equal access to education.
4EU+ Office
The 4EU+ Office coordinates the activities of the European University Alliance at Heidelberg University and is available at any time to answer questions about funding opportunities, mobilities and the joint course programme.
Current topics
Erstes 4EU+ Deep Learning in Life Science Hackathon in Heidelberg
Über 50 Studierende aus 5 europäischen Universitäten nahmen am ersten DeepLife Hackathon im BioQuant in Heidelberg teil. Der von Prof. Dr. Carl Herrmann (IPMB & BioQuant) koordinierte Kurs im Rahmen der SEED4EU+ Initiative bestand aus Online-Vorlesungen, die dank der Beteiligung von 11 Dozent:innen aus Prag, Mailand, Warschau, Paris-Sorbonne und Heidelberg von Februar bis Juni 2024 stattfanden. Im Anschluss konnten die Studierenden an Anwendungsprojekten arbeiten, um während des zweitägigen Hackathon im Juni gemeinsame Ansätze zu entwickeln.
4EU+ Online Courses
Mit den 4EU+ Online Courses bietet die Europäische Hochschulallianz ein gemeinsames Angebot zur virtuellen Studierendenmobilität. Dieses setzt sich aus Kursen der acht Partneruniversitäten zusammen, die online oder hybrid mit durchgängiger Möglichkeit zur Onlineteilnahme stattfinden und damit unabhängig von einer physischen Teilnahme besucht werden können. Das interdisziplinäre Kursangebot richtet sich an Studierende und Doktorand:innen aus allen Fachrichtungen und dient damit auch der Förderung fachübergreifender Kompetenzen.
Calls for proposals
4EU+ Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates and Researchers Impacted by the War in the Middle East
The 4EU+ fellowships are intended for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors. The fellowship programme aims to enable them to spend one or several months doing research at Heidelberg University in order, for instance, to conduct or advance their own research project, to continue individual work towards an academic qualification or to collaborate in a research project based in Heidelberg.
4EU+ Visiting Professorships
The aim of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships call is to expand cooperation within 4EU+. The visiting professorships are addressed to researchers at all 4EU+ member universities wanting to carry out joint activities in research and teaching with their team at the respective host university. The 4EU+ Visiting Professorships are planned to last at least two months, but a maximum of three, and they can be enjoyed at several intervals over the period of an academic year.