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Symposia at the Studio of Villa Bosch
Heidelberg University
Department of Geography
Berliner Str. 48
69120 Heidelberg

Klara Jungkunz
Linda Sendlinger
Marius Zipf


Volume 18 is out now!

To read Volume 18 "Profession and Proficiency"  click here Externer Inhalt (Open Access)


Authors Publications

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Sabine Maasen (Sociology), University of Basel (Switzerland)

Primary fields of study:

Sociology of knowledge, sociology of science, sociological discourse analysis, scientification of everyday knowledge, inter- and transdisciplinarity, governmentality studies, science management.

Selected publications:

  • MAASEN, S./ KAISER; M: Vertrauen ist gut. Verantwortung ist besser. Wissenschaft und Politik in der Vertrauenskrise: Weiter mit Verantwortung?. In: REHMANN-SUTTER, C./ LEACH, J. et al. (eds.): Gekauftes Gewissen – die Rolle der Bioethik in Institutionen, (forthcoming).
  • MAASEN, S. (2006): Wissensgesellschaft. In: SCHERR, A. (ed.): Soziologische Basics. Eine Einführung für Pädagogen und Pädagoginnen, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 193-198.
  • MAASEN, S./ WEINGART, P. (2006): Unternehmerische Universität und neue Wissenschaftskultur. In: KRÜCKEN, G. (ed.): Universitäre Forschung im Wandel. In: die hochschule, journal für wissenschaft und bildung (1): 19-45.
  • MAASEN, S./ WEINGART, P. (2005): What’s New in Scientific Advice to Politics? Introductory Essay. In: MAASEN, S. / WEINGART, P. (2006) (eds.): Democratization of Expertise? Exploring Novel Forms of Scientific Advice in Political Decision-Making, Springer, Dordrecht, 1-19.
  • MAASEN; S. (2002): Die gesellschaftliche Disziplinierung bio- und gen-ethischer Fragen durch die politische Institutionalisierung von Diskurs. Eine Expertise für das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. URL: http://www.sciencepolicystudies.de


Edward Malecki (Geography), The Ohio State University (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Urban, rural and regional economic development, technological change, regional policy, research and development, technology policy, telecommunications, corporate location and behaviour.

Selected publications:

  • MALECKI, E. / MORISET, B. (2008): The Digital Economy: Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments. London: Routledge.
  • MALECKI, E. (2007): Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy: Networks, Knowledge and Local Development Policies. In: Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 25 (5): 638-654.
  • MALECKI, E. (2002): Hard and Soft Networks for Urban Competitiveness. In: Urban Studies 39 (5-6): 929-945.
  • MALECKI, E. / OINAS, P. (eds.) (1999): Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change. Ashgate, Aldershot.
  • MALECKI E. (1997): Technology and Economic Development: The Dynamics of Local, Regional and National Competitiveness, 2nd edition. Addison Wesley Longman, London.



Julian Marewski (Psychology), Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Bounded rationality and the environmental embedding of simple & complex decision strategies. Strategies for multi-alternative inference, consideration set identification, consumer choice, financial investment, & strategy selection. Ease of retrieval and recognition in inference, choice, & marketing. Judgments and intuitions about fairness, responsibility, & morality in business contexts. Heuristic forecasting techniques and recommender systems for making judgments and decisions in economic & business contexts. Methods for quantitative model testing, representative experimental design, & ACT-R modeling.

Selected publications:

  • Marewski, J. N. / Gaissmaier, W. / Gigerenzer, G. (in press): Good judgments do not require complex cognition. Cognitive Processing.
  • Marewski, J. N. / Gaissmaier, W. / Schooler, L. J. / Goldstein, D. G. / Gigerenzer, G. (in press): From Recognition to Decisions: Extending and Testing Recognition-Based Models for Multi-Alternative Inference. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review (Theory & review section).
  • Marewski, J. N. / Olsson, H. (2009): Beyond the null ritual: Formal modeling of psychological processes. Journal of Psychology, 217, 49–60.


Stefan Maul (Assyriology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Cultural and religious history of the Ancient Orient, Divination, Ancient oriental healing rituals and the History of writing.

Selected Publications:

  • MAUL, S. (2007): Divination culture and the handling of the future. In: LEICL, G. (ed.) (2007): The Babylonian World, New York, London 2007, 361-372.
  • MAUL, S. (2003): Omina und Orakel. A. In Mesopotamien. In: EDZARD, D. O. (ed.) (2003): Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Band 10, 1./2. Lieferung Oannes-Pabilsag (a), Berlin/New York 2003, 45-88.
  • MAUL, S. (1994): Zukunftsbewältigung. Eine Untersuchung altorientalischen Denkens anhand der babylonisch-assyrischen Löserituale (Namburbi). In: Baghdader Forschungen, Band 18, Mainz.


Ulf Matthiesen (Sociology), Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Metropolitan-cultural science, sub-urbanisation, post-socialist transformation, learning regions, coevolution of knowledge, knowledge-based cities.

Selected publications:

  • MATTHIESEN, U. (forthcoming): KnowledgeScapes: Conceptual Approach and Selective Empirical Findings of the IRS-Knowledge-Milieu-Research (appearing in the Special Issue of disP (ETH Zürich) in: Matthiesen, Ulf (Guest Editor): Coevolution of Space, Knowledge and Milieu – zur Koevolution von Raum, Wissen und Milieu.
  • MATTHIESEN, U. / BÜRKNER, H.-J. (2007): Territorial Cohesion, Brain Drain and Digital Divide. In: 4R-Netz; BBR (eds.): German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy (2). (appearing)
  • MATTHIESEN, U. (2006): Strengthening the Human Resource Base in East German Regions: Conceptual Propositions, Empirical Evidences, Governance Paradoxes. In: LENTZ, S. (ed.): German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy – Restructuring Eastern Germany, German Annual of Spatial Research (1). Springer, Heidelberg, 111-122.
  • MATTHIESEN, U. (2005): Gone: Human Capital in Eastern Germany. Edited by Philipp Oswalt for the Kulturstiftung des Bundes. Shrinking Cities Volume 1: International Research. Hatje Cantz: Ostfildern-Ruit, p. 172 ff.
  • MATTHIESEN, U. (2005): Governance Milieus in Shrinking Post-Socialist City Regions – and their Respective Forms of Creativity (disP 162).


Peter Meusburger, Geography, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Geography of knowledge, education and skills.

Selected publications:

  • MEUSBURGER, P. (2006): Wissen und Raum - ein subtiles Beziehungsgeflecht. In:
    KEMPTER, K. and MEUSBURGER, P. (Eds.): Bildung und Wissensgesellschaft.
    Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 269-308.
  • MEUSBURGER, P. (2001): Geography of Knowledge, Education and Skills. In: SMELSER, N.J. and BALTES, P.B. (Eds.):International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 8120-8126.
  • MEUSBURGER, P. (2000): The spatial concentration of knowledge. Some theoretical considerations. In: Erdkunde, 54(4), 352-364.
  • MEUSBURGER, P. (1998): Bildungsgeographie. Wissen und Ausbildung in der räumlichen Dimension. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
  • MEUSBURGER, P. (1996): Educational Achievement, Language of Instruction, and School System as Key Elements of Minority Research. In: FRANTZ, K. and AUDER, R.A. (Eds.): Ethnic Persistence and Change in Europe and America. Innsbruck, 187-222.


Ikechi Mgbeoji (Law), York University, Toronto (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

Patent Law, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, International Law on the Use of Force, International Environmental Law, Biotechnology and Law, Comparative Intellectual Property Law, Indigenous People, and Anthropology.

Selected Publications:

Mgbeoji, I. (2001): Patents and Traditional Knowledge of the Uses of Plants: Is a Communal Patent Regime Part of the Solution to the Scourge of Biopiracy? In: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 9 (1), 163-186.

Mgbeoji, I. (2003): Beyond Rhetoric: State Sovereignty, Common Concern, and the Inapplicability of the Common Heritage Concept to Plant Genetic Resources. In: Leiden Journal of International Law, 16 (4), 821-837.

Mgbeoji, I. (2005): Global Biopiracy: Patents, Plants, and Indigenous Knowledge. UBC Press, Vancouver.

Mgbeoji, I. (2007): An Overview of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Patent Regime. In: Boon, E. / Hens, L. (eds.): Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Sustainable Development: Relevance For Africa. Kre Publishers, Delhi, India.

Mgbeoji, I. (fortcoming): The Colonial Origins of Intellectual Property Regimes in Africa. In: Armstrong, D. (ed.): Handbook of International Law. Routledge Publishers, London.


David Middleton (Social Psychology), University of Loughborough (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Work based learning in multi-agency service provision for children and young people; social practices of remembering and forgetting in organizational settings; parent - professional communication in neonatal intensive care.

Selected publications:

  • MIDDLETON, D. / BROWN, S.D. (2005): The Social Psychology of Experience: Studies in Remembering and Forgetting. London.
  • MIDDLETON, D. / ENGESTRÖM, Y. (eds.)(1996): Cognition and Communication at Work. Cambridge.
  • MIDDLETON, D. / EDWARDS, D. (eds.) (1990): Collective Remembering. London.
  • MIDDLETON, D. / BILLIG, M. / CONDOR, S. / EDWARDS, D. / GANE, M. / RADLEY, A. (1988): Ideological Dilemmas of Everyday Thinking. London.


Arthur I. Miller (Physics), University College London (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Creativity - from Einstein and Picasso to black holes; creativity in art and science.

Selected publications:

  • MILLER, A.I. (2006): A Thing of Beauty. In: New Scientist, 4, pp. 50-52.
  • MILLER, A.I. (2003): Imagery in Scientific Thought: Creating 20th- Century Physics. New York.
  • MILLER, A.I. (2001): Einstein, Picasso: Space, Time, and the Beauty that Causes Havoc. New York.
  • MILLER, A.I. (2000): Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art. Cambridge.
  • MILLER, A.I. (1986): Frontiers of Physics: 1900-1911. Boston.


Ramesh C. Mishra (Psychology), Banaras Hindu University (India)

Primary fields of study:

Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Selected Publications:

Mishra, R. C. (2001): Cognition across cultures. In: Matsumoto, D. (ed.): Handbook of culture and psychology. New York: Oxford, 119-135.

Dasen, P. R. / Mishra, R. C. (2005): Spatial language and cognitive development in India: An urban/rural comparison. In: Friedlmeire, W. / Chakkarath, P. / Schwarz, B. (eds.): Culture and human development: The importance of cross-cultural research to the social sciences. New York: Psychology Press, 153-179.

Dasen, P. R. / Mishra, R. C. / Niraula, S. / Wassmann, J. (2006). The development of geocentric language and spatial cognition. In: Enfance, 2, 146-158.

Dasen, P. R. / Mishra, R. C. (2008): Culture, language, spatial frames of reference and hemispheric dominance. In: Srinivasan, N. / Gupta, A. K. / Pandey, J. (eds.): Advances in cognitive science. New Delhi: Sage, 279-288.

Niraula, S. / Mishra, R. C. (2009): Spatial cognition of children. In: Shukla, A. (ed.): Culture, cognition and behavior. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 42-59.

Bano, S. / Mishra, R. C. (2009): Social identity awareness in Hindu and Muslin children. In: Shukla, A. (ed.): Culture, cognition and behavior. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 178-190.




Marcus Nüsser (Geography), University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Human-Environment-Interaction, Development research, High mountain research, Political Ecology, Land use systems and resource management, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Selected Publications:

Dame, J. & Nüsser, M. (2008): Development Paths and Perspectives in Ladakh, India. In: Geographische Rundschau – International Edition, 4 (4), 20-27 & supplement.

Bergmann, C. / Gerwin, M. / Nüsser, M. & Sax, W. S (2008): Living in a High Mountain Border Region: The Case of the ‘Bhotiyas’ of the Indo-Chinese Border Region. In: Journal of Mountain Science, 5 (3), 209-217. [DOI 10.1007/s11629-008-0178-9]

Nüsser, M. (2008): Zwischen Isolation und Integration: Ressourcennutzung und Umweltbewertung im pakistanischen Himalaya. In: Geographische Rundschau, 60 (12), 42-48.

Nüsser, M. & Gerwin, M. (2008): Diversity, Complexity and Dynamics: Land Use Patterns in the Central Himalayas of Kumaon, Northern India. In: Löffler, J. & Stadelbauer, J. (eds.): Diversity in Mountain Systems. Sankt Augustin (= Colloquium Geographicum 31), 107-119.





Gunnar Olsson (Geography), Uppsala University (Sweden)

Primary fields of study:

Human geography, human interaction.

Selected publications:

  • Olsson, G. (2007): Abysmal. A Critique of Cartographic Reason. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Olsson, G. (1991): Lines of Power. Limits of Language. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Olsson, G. (1980): Birds in Egg. Eggs in Bird. London: Pion.


Otto Gerhard Oexle (History), Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Epistemology, medieval society, cultural memory, history of science.

Selected publications:

  • OEXLE, O./ BOJCOV, M. (Eds.)(2007): Bilder der Macht in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Byzanz – Okzident – Russland. Göttingen. (=Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 226)
  • OEXLE, O. (Ed.) (2007): Krise des Historismus – Krise der Wirklichkeit. Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur 1880 – 1932. Göttingen. (=Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 228)
  • OEXLE, O. (Ed.)(2007): Erinnern – Bewahren – Erinnerung fruchtbar machen. Zum Gedenken an Josef Fleckenstein. Göttingen.



Bronwyn Parry (Geography), University of London (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Economic and cultural geography, re-casting of human-environment relations by technological, economic and regulatory changes, the rise and operation of the life sciences industry, informationalism, the commodification of life forms, posthumanism, bioethics and systems for knowing, disciplining and governing nature.

Selected publications:

  • PARRY, B. (2008): Entangled Exchange: Reconceptualising the Characterisation and Practice of Bodily Commodification. Geoforum (forthcoming).
  • PARRY, B. (2007): Cornering the Futures Market in ‘Bio-epistemology’. In: Biosocieties 2 (3): 386-389.
  • PARRY, B. (2006): The Private Life of Genetic Samples. In: Women’s Studies Quarterly Special Issue: The Global and the Intimate: 52-53.
  • PARRY, B. / GERE, C. M. (2006): Contested Bodies: Property Models and the Commodification of Human Biological Artefacts. In: Science as Culture 15 (2): 139-158.
  • GERE, C. / PARRY, B. (2006): The Flesh Made Word: Banking the Body in the Age of Information. In: Biosocieties 1 (1): 83-98.
  • PARRY B. (2004): Trading the Genome: Investigating the commodification of bio-information. Columbia University Press, New York.


Anssi Paasi (Geography), University of Oulu (Finland)

Primary fields of study:

Social construction of regions and territorial identities, Theories of region place and regionalism, The links between territories, boundaries and individual/social consciousness, The rhetoric of globalization and geopolitical imagination and The Europe of regions/ regional planning and development.

Selected Publications:

  • PAASI, A. / BARNES, T. / BLUNT, A. / FOX, R. / GANDY, M. / JOHNSTON, R. / MCDOWELL, L. / SERJE, M. / TAYLOR, Z. / WAI-CHUNG, H. / WARD, K. (2009): The future of research monographs: an international set of perspectives. In: Progress in Human Geography 33 (1), 101-126.
  • PAASI, A. (2006): Texts and contexts in the globalizing academic marketplace: a commentary on the debate on geopolitical remote sensing. In: Eurasian Geography and Economics 47 (2), 216-220.
  • PAASI, A. (2006): The uneven geographies of “internationalism” in the global academic bazaar (in Danish). In: BAERENHOLDT, J. O. / BUCIEK, K. / HALDRUP, M. / PLOGER, J. (eds.) (2006): Rumlig praksis (Spatial Practice), Roskilde: Roskilde University Press: 49-62.
  • PAASI, A. (2005): A field between national and international pressures: contextualizing the progress of Finnish human geography. In: Social & Cultural Geography 6 (4), 607-629.
  • PAASI, A. (2005): Globalization, academic capitalism and the uneven geographies of international journal publishing spaces. In: Environment and Planning A 37 (6), 769-789.


Detlef Pollack (Sociology), Europa- Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/ Oder (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Sociology of religion, new social movements, political cultures, German Democratic Republic, systems theory.

Selected publications:

  • POLLACK, D. (2003): Säkularisierung - ein moderner Mythos? Studien zum religiösen Wandel in Deutschland. Tübingen.
  • POLLACK, D., GÄRTNER, C. et al., Eds. (2003). Atheismus und religiöse Indifferenz. Opladen: Leske und Budrich.
  • POLLACK, D., JACOBS, J. et al. (Eds.) (2003). Political Culture in Post-Communist Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • POLLACK, D. and PICKEL, G. (Eds.) (2000): Religiöser und kirchlicher Wandel in Ostdeutschland 1989-1999. Opladen: Leske und Budrich.
  • POLLACK, D. (1990): Wirklichkeitsflucht oder Wirklichkeitsbewältigung: Was ist Religion? In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 38, 660-668.


Francois-Regis Puyou, Management, Audencia - School of Management Nantes (France)

Primary fields of study:
Organizational and social aspects of management control, governance of subsidiaries, sociology of organizations and phenomenology of financial IS.

Selected publications:

  • FAŸ, E. / PUYOU, F-R. (2006): Putting the Subjective Experience of Management Accounting Information Systems back into Organization Research: A Contribution based on Michel Henry’s Phenomenology, EM Lyon Working Papers.
Editor: Webmaster
Latest Revision: 2018-06-26