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Alexander Vasudevan (Geography), University of Nottingham (GB)
Primary fields of study:
Cultural geography of modern cities, German cultural geographies, modern German history, history and philosophy of geography, performance studies.
Selected publications:
- VASUDEVAN, A. (2007): Geographies of the Experiment (Guest Editorial with Richard Powell). In: Environment and Planning, (forthcoming).
- VASUDEVAN, A. (2007): Symptomatic Acts, Experimental Embodiments: Theatres of Scientific Protest in Interwar Germany. In: Environment and Planning, (forthcoming).
- VASUDEVAN, A. / JEFFREY, A. / McFARLANE, C. (2007): Spectacle, State, Modernity: a Review of Afflicted Powers. In: Geopolitics 12, 1 (2007): 206-222.
Russ Vince (Leadership and Change), University of Bath (UK)
Primary fields of study:
Organizational behaviour, organizational learning and learning processes, management research.
Selected publications:
- VINCE, R. (2006): Being Taken Over: Managers’ Emotions and Rationalisations during a Company Takeover, Journal of Management Studies 43 (2): 343 - 365.
- VINCE, R. (2004): Rethinking Strategic Learning, Routledge, London.
- REYNOLDS, M. / VINCE, R. (2004): Critical Management Education and Action-Based Learning: Synergies and Contradictions, Academy of Management Learning and Education 3 (4): 442 - 458.
- SALEEM, T. / VINCE, R. (2004): The Impact of Caution and Blame on Organizational Learning, Management Learning 35 (2): 131 – 152.
- VINCE, R (2001): Power and Emotion in Organizational Learning. Human Relations 54(10): 1325-1351.
- FRENCH, R. / VINCE, R. (eds.) (1999): Group Relations, Management and Organization, Oxford University Press, Oxford:
Barney Warf (Geography), Florida State University (USA)
Primary fields of study:
Political economy (of regional development); producer services; financial markets; telecommunications; international trade; social theory and philosophy; geography of cyberspace, military spending.
Selected publications:
- STUTZ, F. / WARF, B. (forthcoming): The World Economy: Resources, Location, Trade, and Development. New Jersey.
- BRYSON, J. / DANIELS, P. / WARF, B. (2004): Service Worlds: People, Organizations, and Technologies. London.
- WARF, B. (2002): The Way It Wasn´t: Alternative Histories, Contingent Geographies. In: KITCHIN, R. / KNEALE, J. (Eds.): Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction. London, S. 17-38.
- WHEELER, J. / AOYAMA, Y./ WARF, B. (Eds.) (2000): Cities in the Telecommunication Age: The Fracturing of Geographies. London.
Ingo Warnke (Linguistics), University of Bern (Switzerland)
Primary fields of study:
German linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Textual and Discourse linguistics, Language and Urban Space and the History of the German language.
Selected Publications:
- WARNKE, I.H. (2009): Die sprachliche Konstituierung von geteiltem Wissen in Diskursen. In: FELDER, E. / MÜLLER, M. (eds.) (2009): Wissen durch Sprache. Theorie, Praxis und Erkenntnisinteresse des Forschungsnetzwerks »Sprache und Wissen«. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 113-140.
- SPITZMÜLLER, J. / WARNKE, I.H. (2008): Methoden der
Diskurslinguistik. Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge zur transtextuellen Ebene.
Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. - WARNKE, I.H. (2007): Terminological siege of the city. In: VENTURI, R. / MITSCHERLICH, A. (eds.) (2007): Versailles Architecture School Journal 12, 2-11.
- WARNKE, I. H. (2007): Diskurslinguistik nach Foucault. Theorie und
Gegenstände. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Jürg Wassmann (Anthropology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Primary fields of study:
Oceania, cognitive ethnology, ethnopsychology, space and time, ethnology and cognitive science.
Selected publications:
- WASSMANN, J. / STOCKHAUS, K. (Eds.) (2007): Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific. The Experiencing New Worlds. New York, Oxford.
- WASSMANN, J. (2006): How to Orient Yourself in Balinese space. Combining Ethnographic and Psychological Methods for the Study of Cognitive Processes. In: STRAUB, J. et al. (Eds.): Pursuit of Meaning. Advances in Cultural and Cross-Cultural Psychology. Bielefeld, 351-376.
- WASSMANN, J (2001): The Politics of Religious Secrecy. In: RUMSEY, A./ WEINER, J. (Eds.): Emplaced Myth. Honolulu, 43-72.
- WASSMANN, J. (2001): Cognitive Anthropology. In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford, 3, 2080-2085.
- WASSMANN, J. (1997): Finding the Right Path: The Route Knowledge of the Yupno of Papua New Guinea. In: SENFT, G. (Ed.): Referring to Space. Studies in Austronesian and Papuan Languages. Oxford, 143-174.
- WASSMANN, J. (1994): Worlds in Mind. The Experience of an Outside World in a Community of the Finisterre Range of Papua New Guinea. In: Oceania, 64 (2), 117-145.
- WASSMANN, J. (1993): The Yupno as Post-Newtonian Scientists. The Question of What is Natural in Spatial Descriptions. In: MAN, 29(3), 645-666.
Peter Weichhart (Geography), University of Vienna (Austria)
Primary fields of study:
Methodology and theory of science, human ecology, behavioural geography, theory of the relationship between the society and the environment, action-oriented geography.
Selected publications:
- WEICHHART, P. (2005): On Paradigms and Doctrines. The "Euroregio Salzburg" as a Bordered Space. In: HOUTUM,H. v./ KRAMSCH, O./ ZIERHOFER,W. (eds.): B/ordering Space, Aldershot und Burlington, (= Border Regions Series), 93-108.
- WEICHHART, P. (2004): Paradigmenvielfalt in der Humangeographie - Neue Unübersichtlichkeit oder Multiperspektivität? In: VIELHABER, C. (eds.): Fachdidaktik: alternativ - innovativ. Acht Impulse um (Schul-)Geographie und ihre Fachdidaktik neu zu denken, Wien, Selbstverlag des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien, (= Materialien zur Didaktik der Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde, Vol. 17): 11 - 19.
- WEICHHART, P. (2001): Humangeographische Forschungsansätze. In: SITTE, W./ WOHL-SCHLÄGL,H. (eds.): Beiträge zur Didaktik des "Geographie- und Wirtschaftskunde"-Unterrichts, Wien (= Materialien zur Didaktik der Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde, Vol. 16): 182-198.
- WEICHHART, P. (2000): Geographie als Multi-Paradigmen-Spiel. Eine post-kuhnsche Perspektive. – In: BLOTEVOGEL, H/ OSSENBRÜGGE, J./ WOOD, G. (eds.): Lokal verankert – weltweit vernetzt. 52. Deutscher Geographentag Hamburg, Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Stuttgart, 479-488.
- WEICHHART, P./ ARNREITER, G. (1998): Rivalisierende Paradigmen im Fach Geographie. In: SCHURZ, G./ WEINGARTNER, P. (eds.): Koexistenz rivalisierender Paradigmen. Eine post-kuhnsche Bestandsaufnahme gegenwärtiger Wissenschaft, Opladen, Wiesbaden, 53-85.
- WEICHHART, P. (1988): Geography as a "Multi-Paradigm-Game" - a Pluralistic Discipline in a Pluralistic Post-Industrial Society. In: WINDHORST, H-W. (ed.): The Role of Geography in a Post-Industrial Society. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Vechta (September 8-12, 1986), Vechta, 1987 (= Vechtaer Arbeiten zur Geographie und Regionalwissenschaft, Vol. 5): 49-54.
Michael Welker (Theology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Primary fields of study:
Religion, the churches and the pluralistic society, religion and (post-)modernity, abstractions of modern thought: person, trinity, creation, nature and history.
Selected publications:
- WELKER, M. (2003). Sola Scriptura? The Authority of the Bible in Pluralistic Environments. In: Strawn, B.A. and Bowen, N.R. (Eds.): A God So Near. Winona Lake: FS P.D. Miller, 375-391.
- WELKER, M. and POLKINGHORNE, J. (Eds.) (2002). The End of the World and the Ends of God. Science and Theology on Eschatology. Harrisburg.
- WELKER, M. (2000): Kirche im Pluralismus. Gütersloh: Kaiser.
- WELKER, M. (1995): Schöpfung und Wirklichkeit. Warfield Lectures, Princeton 1991/92. Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag.
Harald Welzer (Social Psychology), Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research (Essen) and University of Witten / Herdecke (Germany)
Primary fields of study:
Memory, group violence, and research methods.
Selected publications:
- WELZER, H. (2005): Das kommunikative Gedächtnis. Eine Theorie der Erinnerung. München.
- WELZER, H./ MARKOWITSCH, H.J. (2005): Das autobiographische Gedächtnis. Hirnorganische Grundlagen und biosoziale Entwicklung. Stuttgart.
- WELZER, H. (2005): Täter. Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder werden. Frankfurt a.M.
- WELZER, H./ MOLLER, S./ TSCHUGGNALL, K. (2002): Opa war kein Nazi. Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Familiengedächtnis. Frankfurt a.M.
- WELZER, H. (Ed.)(2001): Das soziale Gedächtnis. Geschichte, Erinnerung, Tradierung. Hamburg.
Alexander G. Welzl (Economics), ECONOMICA – Institute of Economic Research (Austria)
Primary fields of study:
Valuation of knowledge, talent and creative capacity as input factors for development of national wealth and competitiveness; measurement of knowledge-based value creation processes in basic research, applied research and high-tech industries; monitoring of knowledge-based regional development; intellectual capital/intangible assets analysis and evaluation in the context of financial industry; behavioural economics.
Selected publications:
- FINGERNAGEL, W./WELZL, A.G. (Eds.) (2006): Intellectual Capital – Values and Wealth at the Dawn of the 21st Century. – Proceedings of the international conference held on 28.11.2005 at the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK). – Publisher: BMBWK, Vienna.
- WELZL, A.G. (2006): Regional Performance and Future Oriented Investment - Stakeholder Reporting of IC-based Value Creation in the Federal Province Upper Austria. – The World Bank.
- WELZL, A.G. (2008): Managing Curious Minds – Global Trends in Accounting, Reporting and Valuation of Intellectual Capital. - Harvard University, Boston. - WELZL, A.G. (2008): Measurement, reporting and valuation of intellectual assets: The Investor view. – OECD. - WELZL, A.G. (2009): On the Origin of Wealth by Means of Adopting a New Value Paradigm. - University of Oxford, Oxford.
Thomas Widlok (Anthropology) Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Primary fields of study:
Cultural Anthropology.
Selected publications:
- Widlok, T. (2009): Van veraf naar dichtbij: The standing of the antipodes in a flat world. Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. Available online:
- Widlok, T. (2009): Where settlements and the landscape merge: towards an integrated approach to the spatial dimension of social relations. In M. Bollig, O. Bubenzer (eds.), African Landscapes. Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 407-427). New York: Springer.
- Widlok, T. (2008): Landscape Unbounded. Space, Place, and Orientation in =Akhoe Hai//om and Beyond. Language Sciences, 30, 2-3, 362-380.
- Widlok, T. (2008): Vergessene technische und soziale Erfindungen. In P. Seele (ed.), Philosophie des Neuen (pp. 150-165). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- Widlok, T. (2007): Conducting cognitive tasks – and interpreting the results. The case of spatial inference tasks. In K. Stockhaus, J. Wassmann (eds.), Experiencing new worlds. Person, Space and Memory in the Pacific (pp. 258-280). Berghahn.
Urs Wiesmann (Geography), University of Bern (Switzerland)
Primary fields of study:
Human geography; sustainable regional development; natural resources management and global change particularly in developing and transition countries; interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodology and its application in the context of development and environment.
Selected Publications:
- Rist, S. / Chidambaranathan, M. / Escobar, C. / Wiesmann, U. / Zimmermann, A. (2007): Moving from sustainable management to sustainable governance of natural resources: The role of social learning processes in rural India, Bolivia and Mali. Journal of Rural Studies, 23 (1), 23-37.
- Wiesmann, U. (2008): A Concept of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Regional Development Contexts. In: Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Africa: Conceptual Framework and Case Studies from Kenya. NCCR North-South Internet Publications. 49pp (revised version of Wiesmann U., 1998. Geographica Bernensia, African Studies No. 14. Bern).
- Wiesmann, U. (2008): An actor-oriented Perspective on Regional Development in African Smallholder Areas. In: Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Africa: Conceptual Framework and Case Studies from Kenya. NCCR North-South Internet Publications. 91pp (revised version of Wiesmann U., 1998. Geographica Bernensia, African Studies No. 14. Bern).
- Wiesmann, U. et al (2008): Enhancing Transdisciplinary Research: A Synthesis in Fifteen Propositions. In: Hirsch Hadorn, G. et al. (eds.): Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research. Heidelberg: Springer, 433-441.
- Kiteme, B. P. / Liniger, H. P. / Notter, B. /Wiesmann, U. / Kohler, T. (2008): Dimensions of global Change in African Mountains: The example of Mountain Kenya. IHDP UPDATE, Vol. 2008 (2), 18-23.
- ERMIS Africa & CDE Bern (Muchemi, J., Ehrensperger, A.) (2009): Ogiek Peoples Ancestral Territories Atlas: Safeguarding Territories, Cultures and Natural Resources of Ogiek Indigenous People in the Eastern Mau Forest, Kenya. ERMIS & CDE, Bern & Nairobi.
- Speranza, C. I. / Kiteme, B. / Ambeje, P. / Wiesmann, U. / Makali, S. (2009) (accepted, online): Indigenous Knowledge Related to Climate Variability and Change: Insights from Drought in Semi-arid Areas of former Makueni District, Kenya. Journal of Climatic Change.
Sarah Whatmore (Geography), University of Oxford (UK)
Primary fields of study:
Environmental knowledge controversies, politics of science and technology.
Selected publications:
- WHATMORE, S. (2004): Cultural geography: critical concepts, two volumes, Routledge, London.
- WHATMORE, S. (2003): Using social theory: thinking through research, Sage, London.
- WHATMORE, S. (2002): Hybrid Geographies: natures cultures spaces, Sage, London.
Jürgen Wilke (Communication Sciences), University of Mainz (Germany)
Primary fields of study:
Selected Publications:
- WILKE, J. (2007): Presseanweisungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Erster Weltkrieg – Drittes Reich – DDR. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau.
- WILKE, J. (2005): Press Instructions as a tool to manipulate the public under the German Nazi government. With an eye towards the German Democratic Republic. In: Louis de Saussure / Peter Schulz (Eds.) (2005): Manipulation and Ideologies in the Twentieth Century. Discourse. language, mind. Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 153-173.
- WILKE, J. (2004): Radio im Geheimauftrag. Der Deutsche Freiheitssender 904 und der Soldatensender 935 als Instrument des Kalten Krieges. In: Klaus Arnold / Christoph Classen (Hrsg.) (2004): Zwischen Pop und Propaganda. Radio in der DDR. Berlin, 249-266.
- WILKE, J. (1984): Einleitung. In: Jürgen Wilke (Hrsg.) (1984): Pressefreiheit. Darmstadt, 2-55.
- WILKE, J. (1983): Leitideen in der Begründung der Pressefreiheit. In: Publizistik 28, 512-524.
Graeme Wynn (Geography), University of British Columbia (Canada)
Primary fields of study:
The development of new world societies and the environmental impacts of European expansion around the world.
Selected Publications:
- WYNN, G. ( 2004): On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in Environmental History. In: Environment and History 10 (2), 133-51.