Palynology & Paleoenvironmental Dynamics
Fully equipped laboratories for:
Laboratories for palynological (HF-lab) and cryptotephra processing
Drillcore processing and storage (including cold-storage facilities)
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning
AVAATECH (GEN-4) XRF scanner equipped with an OXFORD ‘Neptune 5200’ series 100 W X-ray source with a Rhodium anode, a RAYSPEC SiriusSD 65mm2 Silicon Drift Detector, a BRIGHTSPEC Topaz-X Multichannel Analyzer, a colour line-scan camera, and an MS2E Bartington sensor for magnetic susceptibility measurements.
Requests for XRF scanning should be addressed to Dr. A. Koutsodendris or Prof. J. Pross.
Microscopes for palynological and sedimentological analysis
Coming soon
Carbon-Nitrogen (CN) elemental analyzer LECO CN828-MC
Coming soon