Isotope Geology and Petrology
→ Secondary ion mass spectrometer: Cameca IMS 1280-HR
→ Depth profilometer: Bruker DektakXT
→ Surface coater: QUORUM Q15OT ES
→ Polarized light microscope: ZEISS Axio Imager.M2
Microscopy room - funded by Carl-Zeiss-Foundation
→ Polarized light microscope: ZEISS Axio Imager.M2
→ 2 Binocular microscopes: Stemi 508
Laboratory for scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence and micro-Raman
→ Correlative Raman scanning electron microscope: ZEISS WITec RISE EVO MA15
with EDS detector: Oxford Instruments X-MaxN 150 mm2
and cathodoluminescence detector: GATAN ChromaCL2
→ Scanning electron microscope: LEO 440
with EDS detector: Oxford Instruments X-Max 80 mm2
and cathodoluminescence detector: GATAN MiniCL
Laboratory for x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
→ X-ray fluorescence spectrometer: Bruker AXS S4 EXPLORER
Laboratory for rock crushing and mineral separation
→ Jaw crusher
→ Frantz magnetic barrier laboratory separator model LB-1
Chemistry laboratory for heavy liquid separation
Phone numbers of the labs:
Ion probe new: 6091
Ion probe old: 4652
SEM new: 6060
SEM old: 6007