Geo- and Cosmochemistry
DFG SPP 1385
The First 10 Million Years of the Solar System - a Planetary Materials Approach
Meetings / Short Courses / Workshops
7th (final/report) meeting of the SPP 1385 at the Heidelberg University (4./5.10.2016)
6th annual meeting of the DFG Special Priority Program 1385 (11.-13.11.2015)
The 2015 joint meeting of the Paneth Kolloquium, the workshop of the DFG special program “The first 10 million years of the solar system – a planetary materials approach” will be held in the historic “Klösterle” (little monastery) in the medieval town of Nördlingen.
Nördlingen is located in the center of the Nördlinger Ries meteorite impact site (~20 km diameter).
The Paneth Kolloquium is a European meeting that brings together students and researchers from different fields of cosmochemistry, planetology and astrophysics.
Traditionally, the Paneth Kolloquium is held in those years in which the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society is held outside Europe.
The 2015 joint meeting will be organized by Jutta Zipfel (Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, D), Andreas Pack (Universität Göttingen, D), Mario Trieloff (Universität Heidelberg, D) and Klaus Mezger (Universität Bern, CH).
5th annual meeting of the SPP 1385 (2.-3.12.2014):
at the Universtität Heidelberg
Fourth annual meeting of the DFG Special Priority Program 1385 (21.-23.10.2013)
The 2013 joint meeting of the Paneth Kolloquium, the workshop of the DFG special program “The first 10 million years of the solar system – a planetary materials approach” will be held in the historic “Klösterle” (little monastery) in the medieval town of Nördlingen.
Nördlingen is located in the center of the Nördlinger Ries meteorite impact site (~20 km diameter).
The Paneth Kolloquium is a European meeting that brings together students and researchers from different fields of cosmochemistry, planetology and astrophysics.
Traditionally, the Paneth Kolloquium is held in those years in which the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society is held outside Europe.
The 2013 joint meeting will be organized by Jutta Zipfel (Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, D), Andreas Pack (Universität Göttingen, D), Mario Trieloff (Universität Heidelberg, D) and Klaus Mezger (Universität Bern, CH).
Third annual meeting of the DFG Special Priority Program 1385 (9.-12.10.2012)
The 2012 joint meeting of the Paneth Kolloquium and the workshop of the DFG special program “The first 10 million years of the solar system – a planetary materials approach” will be held in the historic “Klösterle” (little monastery) in the medieval town of Nördlingen.
Nördlingen is located in the center of the Nördlinger Ries meteorite impact site (~20 km diameter).
The Paneth Kolloquium is a European meeting that brings together students and researchers from different fields of cosmochemistry, planetology and astrophysics.
Traditionally, the Paneth Kolloquium is held in those years in which the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society is held outside Europe.
The 2012 joint meeting will be organized by Jutta Zipfel (Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, D), Andreas Pack (Universität Göttingen, D), Mario Trieloff (Universität Heidelberg, D) and Klaus Mezger (Universität Bern, CH).
2nd annual meeting of the SPP 1385 (17.-19.10.2011):
at the MPI für Chemie, Mainz
First annual meeting of the DFG Special Priority Program 1385 (27.-30.10.2010):
The 2010 joint meeting of the Paneth Kolloquium and the workshop of the DFG special program “The First 10 million years of the solar system – a planetary materials approach” will be held in the historic "Klösterle" (little monastery) in the medieval town of Nördlingen.
Nördlingen is located in the center of the Nördlingen Ries meteorite impact site (~20 km diameter).
The Paneth-Kolloquium is a European meeting that brings together students and researchers from different fields of cosmochemistry, planetology and astrophysics.
Traditionally, the Paneth-Kolloquium is held in those years in which the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society is held outside Europe.
The 2010 joint meeting will be organized by Jutta Zipfel (Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, D), Andreas Pack (Universität Göttingen, D), Mario Trieloff (Universität Heidelberg, D) and Klaus Mezger (Universität Bern, CH).
SPP supported short course (21.-30.10.2013)
"Introduction to Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in the Earth Sciences"
at GFZ Potsdam
SPP 1385 students are eligible for 50.- Euro support (charged against DMG member support of 50.- Euro), contact the SPP coordination office
SPP supported short course (11.-15.2.2013):
"High pressure experimental techniques and applications to the Earth´s interior"
at Geoinstitut Bayreuth (DMG-Short Course/"Doktorantenkurs" 2013)
SPP supported short course (22.-26.10.2012):
"Introduction to Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in the Earth Sciences"
at GFZ Potsdam (please follow the link: englischer Sprache - Infrastructure - SIMS Laboratory - Short Course)
SPP 1385 students are eligible for 50.- Euro support (charged against DMG member support of 50.- Euro), contact the SPP coordination office
SPP supported short course (22.-26.10.2011)
"Introduction to Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in the Earth Sciences"
at GFZ Potsdam (please follow the link: englischer Sprache - Short Course)
SPP 1385 students are eligible for 50.- Euro support (charged against DMG member support of 50.- Euro), contact the SPP coordination office
SPP supported short course (14.-18.2.2011)
"High pressure experimental techniques and applications to the Earth´s interior"
at Geoinstitut Bayreuth (DMG-Short Course/"Doktorantenkurs" 2011)
SPP 1385 Workshop: Silicates in Space
at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics (KIP) in Heidelberg - September, 28, 2015 to October, 01, 2015.
Workshop (18.11.2013)
"Modelling of the thermal history of planetesimals in the early solar system"
at Institute of Geology, Mineralogy, Geophysics - U Bochum
Workshop (30.1.2013)
"Thin films - applications in cosmochemistry"
at Institute of Geology, Mineralogy, Geophysics - U Bochum
Workshop (11.12.2012)
"Modelling of the thermal history of planetesimals in the early solar system"
at Institute of Earth Sciences - U Heidelberg
Workshop (27.6.2011)
"Modelling of the thermal history of planetesimals in the early solar system"
at IGEP - TU Braunschweig
Workshop (10.2.2011)
"Modelling of the thermal history of planetesimals in the early solar system"
at DLR in Berlin
Informal Meeting (15.3.2011)
"Application for a SIMS microprobe within SPP 1385" at DFG at Bonn
Informal Meeting (3.3.2011)
"Evaluation of possible SIMS locations within SPP 1385" at Institut für Geowissenschaften at Frankfurt