

Bei der Veranstaltung Zeitenwende 11. September? Eine transatlantische Bilanz zehn Jahre danach handelt es sich um eine ERP-Konferenz, die vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gefördert wird.

Am Heidelberg Center for American Studies wurden bereits die unten aufgeführten ERP-Veranstaltungen erfolgreich durchgeführt:



"Energy, Policy and Energy-Security - Transatlantic Perspectives"

Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 27./28. Mai 2011

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies, with the generous support of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, will host a workshop on Energy Policy and Energy Security - Transatlantic Perspectives. You are cordially invited to attend.

The workshop will address the following questions and issues: What are the likely future approaches of the US/Canada and of Germany/Europe to energy policy in general and to energy security in particular? As both the US and Europe are currently confronting similar energy and environmental dilemmas, such as increasing demand; decreasing indigenous production; fewer worldwide resources, 75% of which are owned by foreign governments; and climate change, which is caused by the burning of fossil fuels for energy, they would benefit from converging strategies and transatlantic cooperation. But, despite some efforts to strengthen cooperation, such as the creation of the EU-US Energy Council in November 2009, the differing priorities and interests of the two parties may pose challenges. It is these challenges that the workshop intends to explore.

"Think Tanks and Foundations in the Transatlantic World – Past, Present and Future"

 Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 3./4. Dezember 2010

Think tanks and foundations can be important non-state players in global and national politics. Next to governments, parliaments and representatives of corporate interests, non-governmental study and discussion groups, think tanks and foundations have become important players in the transatlantic world. Think tanks and foundations organize transatlantic dialogues and try to contribute to the preparation of the decision-making process of national governments as well as of trans- and supranational bodies in the Atlantic world. Our conference will scan these actors and their activities on both sides of the Atlantic as wells as in different policy areas, analyze their role in transatlantic relations and evaluate some of their more recent contributions to transatlantic dialogue.

The conference has three objectives: Our first objective is to provide a thorough analysis of the role of think tanks and foundations on both sides of the Atlantic. Second, we would like to examine the role of think tanks, foundations and related non-state actors in transatlantic relations past, present and future. Third, we will discuss and evaluate actual contributions (policy statements, position papers etc.) of selected think tanks and foundations on transatlantic issues. In addition, we will ask two keynote speakers with extensive experience in transatlantic relations to reflect on the role of civil society organisations like the media and non-state actors in transatlantic relations.

To achieve our objectives, we have to chosen two formats for the conference: on day one and in the morning of day two we will assemble panels with experts on think tanks and foundations from both sides of the Atlantic. On the afternoon of the second day, we will conduct an open expert think tank on the past and future of transatlantic relations based on an assessment of recent inputs from think tanks and foundations on transatlantic issues.

"Cultures of Transatlanticism: The Impact of Lawmakers and Judges"

Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 4.-6. Februar 2010

Gefördert durch das Transatlantik-Programm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus Mitteln des European Recovery Program (ERP) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch, Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg

Seitenbearbeiter: Till Karmann
Letzte Änderung: 05.09.2011
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