Courses of the Curt Engelhorn Chair in American History
For information on courses taught in earlier semesters, please follow this link.
Further information for courses in the current term is available on the e-learning platform of the University of Heidelberg (Moodle). For access, please click on the link for the course of your choice. On legal grounds, the pages are password protected. The password will be announced in the opening session of the courses.
- Lecture Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg
Race and Ethnicity in American History from the Colonial Era to the Present
Monday, 11.15-12.45, Neue Uni, Hörsaal 14
Lecture Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg
Theorieprobleme der Geschichtswissenschaft: Eine Einführung
Tuesday 11.15-12.45, Hörsaal (Historisches Seminar) -
Haupt- /Oberseminar Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg
Mobgewalt und Lynchjustiz in der amerikanischen Geschichte
Monday, 16.15-17.45, Ü1 (Historisches Seminar) -
Kolloquium Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg
Laufende Qualifikationsarbeiten und neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte der USA
Tuesday, 16.00-18.00, Dienstzimmer (Historisches Seminar) -
Quellenübung Nicole Colaianni
Gangsters, Gin, and Government: The Temperance Movement and Prohibition in the USA
Friday, 11.15-12.45, Ü4 (Historisches Seminar)