Lecture: Major Problems in American History 1860-1945

Winter Term 2009/10
Lecture PD Dr. Marcus Graeser                                                                                          

Major Problems in American History 1860-1945
Monday 11.00-13.00, History Department, Lecture Hall




PowerPoint-Presentation: Introductions/The Coming of the Civil War

19.10.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Civil War 02
26.10.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Reconstruction and the New South 03
02.11.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: The West 04
09.11.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Social Antagonism: Capital and Labor, 1870-1910 05
16.11.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Cultural Pluralism: Migration, Religion and Society, 1870-1910 06
23.11.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: The Rise of the Cities 07
30.11.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Populism and Progressivism 08
07.12.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: Imperialism 09
14.12.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: World War I 10
21.12.09 PowerPoint-Presentation: The 1920s 11
11.01.10 PowerPoint-Presentation: Great Depression 12
18.01.10 PowerPoint-Presentation: New Deal 13
25.01.10 PowerPoint-Presentation: World War II 14
01.02.10 exams 15

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Latest Revision: 2012-11-01
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