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Current Projects

  • Comics Culture in the People’s Republic of China (ChinaComx)
    Time Frame: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028
    Financed by: ERC
    Project supervisor: Lena Henningsen (PD Dr.)
    Project staff: Damian Mandzunowski
  • Verbundkolleg Worldmaking aus globaler Perspektive: ein Dialog mit China: "Epochale Lebenswelten: Mensch, Natur und Technik in Krisen- und Umbruchsnarrativen"
    Time Frame: 2021-2025
    Financed by: BMBF
    Project supervisor: Meyer-Clement, Elena (Berlin), Sachsenmeier, Dominic (Göttingen), Mittler, Barbara & van Ess, Hans (Heidelberg/München), Alpermann, Björn (Würzburg)
    Project staff: Schuman, Matthias (Dr.) Landa, Sara (M.A.), Tsui, Emily
  • Thematic Research Network (TRN) "Umwelten – Umbrüche – Umdenken"
    Time Frame: 2020-2023
    Financed by: FoF3
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.), Keppler, Frank (Prof. Dr.), Folger, Robert (Prof. Dr.), Gerhard, Ulrike (Prof. Dr.), Reents, Friederike (Priv.-Doz. Dr.), Butz, André (Prof. Dr.)
  • Die China-Schul-Akademie— Mehr vom A/anderen w/Wissen: (Lehr- und Lern-)Dialoge mit China
    Time Frame: 2019-2023
    Financed by: BMBF
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.)
  • Die China-Schul-Akademie— Mehr vom A/anderen w/Wissen: (Lehr- und Lern-)Dialoge mit China
    Time Frame: 2019-2023
    Financed by: BMBF
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.)
  • “Reading Taiwan, Living Taiwan, Understanding Taiwan” Taiwan Studies Project, Part II
    Time Frame: 2019-2022
    Financed by: Taiwan Minstry of Education
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.)
  • Mining and metallurgy in Southwest China, 14th to 19th century
    Time Frame: 2019-2022
    Financed by: DFG (in Kofinanzierung mit NSFC)
    Project supervisor: Kim, Nanny (Dr.)
  • No Parallel? The Fatherly Bodies of Gandhi and Mao
    Time Frame: 2016-2021
    Financed by: Humboldt Stiftung
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof.Dr.), Ramaswamy, Sumathi (Prof. Dr.), Brosius, Christiane (Prof. Dr.), Juneja, Monica (Prof. Dr.)
  • “Reading Mao: The Making of a Global Icon” (Opus Magnum Award)
    Time Frame: 2019-2020
    Financed by: Volkswagen Stiftung
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.)
  • Umweltschutz und Ressourcenmanagement in China
    Time Frame: 2018-2020
    Project supervisor: Senz, Anja (Prof. Dr.)
  • Monitoring Chinese-European Relations: Discourse and Practice
    Time Frame: 2018-2020
    Project supervisor: Senz, Anja (Prof. Dr.)
  • Chinese perceptions of Russia and the West during the 20th century: changes, continuities, and contingencies
    Time Frame: 2017-2020
    Financed by: DFG (DFG-RGNF)
    Project supervisor: Müller-Saini, Gotelind (Prof. Dr.)
  • From Periphery to Centre? Socio-political and Economic Dynamics in the Borderlands of China, Myanmar and India
    Time Frame: 2016-2020
    Project supervisor: Senz, Anja (Prof. Dr.)
  • HERA: East Asian Uses of the European Past: Tracing Braided Chronotypes
    Time Frame: 2016-2019
    Financed by: HERA - Humanities in the European Research Area
    Project supervisor: Kurtz, Joachim (Prof.Dr.)
  • Die Beschreibstoffe Holz und Bambus im alten China
    Time Frame: 2015-2019
    Financed by: DFG (SFB 933)
    Project supervisor: Giele, Enno (Prof. Dr.)
    Project staff: Staack, Thies (Dr.)
  • Representations of History in Chinese Film and Television
    Time Frame: 2007 -
    Financed by: Heinz-Götze-Foundation
    Project supervisor: Müller-Saini, Gotelind (Prof. Dr.)

  • Popular Culture Group
    (Research Group made up of PhD Candidates receiving different types of funding) 
    Time Frame: 2005 - 
    Financed by (u.a.): Supp-Stiftung, Stiftung Baden-Wuerttemberg, Universität Heidelberg, LEA
    Project supervisor: Mittler, Barbara (Prof. Dr.) 
    Project staff: see website

Past Projects

Last edited by: SV
Latest Revision: 2024-04-29
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