Do you want to know more?
Dr. Kristianna Becker
Tel.: 06221 54-8285

Dr. Susanne Serba
Tel.: 06221 54-8284
Fax: 06221 54-5836
Animal Technician
Tel.: 06221 56-37088
Fax: 06221 54-5724


Large animals

In the large animal area the holding of following pig races is possible:

  • german landrace
  • Göttingen minipig

Short- and longterm holding is possible. Should you plan for a longterm project, please contact the administrators for the area, as longterm holding is subject to certain conditions.

Housing Pig Göttingen mini pig

Type of facility

cage type bay bay
Bedding straw straw
number of cage companions see Richtlinie 2010/63/EUExterner Inhalt
annex III part B table 7.3
see Richtlinie 2010/63/EUExterner Inhalt
annex III part B table 7.3
Humidity 50 - 60 % 50 - 60 %
Light-dark cycle 12-12 12-12
Temperature 22°C +/- 2°C 22°C +/-2°C
type of food SAF 130M Alleinfuttermittel
für Mastschweine ab 35kg
SAF 130M Alleinfuttermittel
für Mastschweine ab 35kg
access to food

Food: restricted, 2x daily
Water: ad libitum

Food: restricted, 2x daily
Water: ad libitum

environmental enrichment yes, gnawing rods, chains, pellet balls yes, gnawing rods, chains, pellet balls


Latest Revision: 2020-08-20
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