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Animal orders

General Information:

According to the University of Heidelberg's service directive, animal orders may only be placed through the IBF.

Informal orders will not be accepted.
Please use the appropriate form from our forms section (àHere) found in the right column under the menu item "Forms".


Animal orders are only possible using an official or institutional email address.

Animal orders are only possible with a completely filled out form. Send this as an attachment via email to "".

As we are not infallible: You will be copied on the order confirmation, please read it carefully and inform us immediately of any discrepancies.

If an order already placed with the breeder needs to be cancelled, a processing fee of €15 per item to be cancelled will be charged.

Animal orders must be received by us no later than Thursday at 11:00 AM in the week before the desired delivery. Later animal orders cannot be considered. Please also note this when ordering pregnant females / mothers with litters.

Please note our information on:

Information on animal orders: Mouse/Rat

Information on animal orders: Pig

Latest Revision: 2025-01-10
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