Dr David Kuehn
Research Fellow
Contact informationHeidelberg University |
David Kuehn studied Political Science and Chinese Studies in Heidelberg, Germany and Taipei, Taiwan. He received his Magister Artium (M.A.) from Heidelberg University in 2006 and his doctorate in 2013. Currently, he is principal investigator of the project "Dictator's Endgame. Theory and empirical analysis of military behavior in authoritarian regime crises, 1946-2014", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, KU 2485/4-1, with Aurel Croissant).
Since 2009 he is Co-ordinator of the Working Group "Civilian Control of the Military" of the European Research Groups on Military and Society (ERGOMAS). Since 2013 he is book reviews editor for the academic journal Democratization.
David's main research interests are democratization studies, civil-military relations, social science methodology.
For additional information please refer to the curriculum vitae.
Monographs, special issues and edited volumes
David Kuehn (ed.). 2017. Midwives or gravediggers of democracy? The military’s impact on democratic development. Special Issue of Democratization 24(5). http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fdem20/24/5
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn (eds.). 2017. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies: Democratic Control and Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives, Heidelberg: Springer. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319531885
David Kuehn. 2013. Institutionalizing civilian control in new democracies: a game-theoretic contribution to the development of civil-military relations theory (dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, http://search.proquest.com/docview/1448867374?accountid=11359
Aurel Croissant, David Kuehn, Philip Lorenz and Paul W. Chambers. 2013. Democratization and Civilian Control in Asia, Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan. (288 pp.) http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9780230285330
Aurel Croissant, David Kuehn and Philip Lorenz. 2012. Breaking With the Past? Civil-Military Relations in the Emerging Democracies of East Asia. East-West Center, Policy Series 63. Honolulu, http://www.EastWestCenter.org/pubs/33460.
Bernhard Kittel and David Kuehn (eds.). 2013. Symposium on “Reassessing the Methodology of Process Tracing”. European Political Science 12(1). doi:10.1057/eps.2012.4
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn (eds.). 2011. Special Issue on Civil-Military Relations in Asia’s New Democracies. Asian Journal of Political Science 19(3).
- Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2011. Militär und zivile Politik. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. (304 pp.)
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn (eds.). 2011. Symposium on New Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives in Civil-military Relations Research, European Political Science 10(2).
Refereed journal articles
David Kuehn. 2017. "Midwives or gravediggers of democracy? The military’s impact on democratic development", Democratization 24(5): 783-800. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2017.1324421
David Kuehn and Harold Trinkunas. 2017. “Conditions of military contestation in populist Latin America”, Democratization 24(5): 859-880. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2017.1293659
David Kuehn and Ingo Rohlfing. 2016. “Are there Really Two Cultures? A Pilot Study on the Application of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Political Science”. European Journal of Political Research. Online first. doi:
David Kuehn, Aurel Croissant, Jil Kamerling, Hans Lueders and André Strecker. 2016. “Conditions of civilian control in new democracies: an empirical analysis of 28 ‘third wave’ democracies”, European Political Science Review. Online first. doi: 10.1017/S1755773916000011
David Kuehn. 2013. “Combining Game Theory Models and Process Tracing: Potential and Problems”, European Political Science 12(1): 52-63. doi:10.1057/eps.2012.4.
Croissant, Aurel, and David Kuehn. 2011. “Guest-Editor’s Introduction: Civil-Military Relations in Democratizing Asia – Structure, Agency and the Struggle for Civilian Control.” Asian Journal of Political Science 19(3): 213-221.
David Kuehn and Philip Lorenz. 2011. “Explaining Civil-military Relations in New Democracies: Structure, Agency and Theory Development”. Asian Journal of Political Science 19(3): 231-249.
Aurel Croissant, David Kuehn, Paul W. Chambers, Philip Völkel and Siegfried O. Wolf. 2011. “Theorizing Civilian Control in New Democracies: Agency, Structure and Institutional Change”. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Comparative Governance and Politics) 5(1): 75-98.
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2011. “Introduction to Symposium on New Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives in Civil-military Relations Research”. European Political Science 10(2): 131-136.
Aurel Croissant, David Kuehn, Paul W. Chambers, Siegfried O. Wolf. 2011. “Conceptualising Civil-military Relations in Emerging Democracies”. European Political Science 10(2): 137-145.
Aurel Croissant, David Kuehn, Paul W. Chambers and Siegfried O. Wolf. 2010. “Beyond the Fallacy of Coup-ism: Conceptualizing Civilian Control of the Military in Emerging Democracies”. Democratization 12(5): 950-975.
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2009. “Patterns of Civilian Control of the Military in East Asia’s New Democracies”. Journal of East Asian Studies 9(2): 187-218.
David Kuehn. 2008. “Democratization and Civil-military Relations in Taiwan”. Democratization 15(5): 870-890.
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2007. “Demokratisierung und zivil-militärische Beziehungen in Ostasien (Democratization and Civil-Military Relations in East Asia)”. Südostasien aktuell (Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs) 26(3): 5-53.
Non-refereed articles and book chapters
David Kuehn. forthcoming. “Democratic Control of the Military”, in Giuseppe Caforio and Marina Nuicari (eds.). Handbook of Military Sociology. Leiden: Springer.
David Kuehn. 2017. “Reforming Defense and Military Policy-Making in South Korea, 1987–2012”, in: Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies: Democratic Control and Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives, Heidelberg: Springer. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-53189-2_8
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2017. “Introduction”, in: Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn (eds.). 2017. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies: Democratic Control and Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives, Heidelberg: Springer. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-53189-2_1
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2015. “The Military’s Role in Politics”, in Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz-Rufino (eds.). Handbook of Political Institutions. Abingdon: Routledge.
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2011. “Civilian Control, the Military and Democracy in East Asia: A New Conceptual Approach and Its Empirical Application”, in Christoph Schuck (ed.). Security in a Changing Global Environment: Challenging the Human Security Approach, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 277-304.
Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn. 2010. “Civilian Control of the Military: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives”, in Paul W. Chambers and Aurel Croissant (eds.), Democracy under Stress. Civil-military Relations in South and Southeast Asia, Bangkok: ISIS, 18-52.
David Kuehn and Ingo Rohlfing. 2009. “Does it, really? Measurement Error and Omitted Variables in Multi-Method Research”, Qualitative & Multi-Method Research, Newsletter of the APSA Section on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 7(2): 18-22.
Working Papers
David Kuehn. 2016. “Institutionalising Civilian Control of the Military in New Democracies: Theory and Evidence from South Korea”, GIGA Working Paper, No. 282. Download
David Kuehn and Ingo Rohlfing. 2010. "Causal Explanation and Multi-Method Research", IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Papers Series, No. 26. Winner of the 2010 IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods Best Working Paper Award. Download
Book reviews
David Pion-Berlin, “Military Missions in Democratic Latin America”, Democratization 24(5): 886-888, 2017. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2016.1276901
Zoltan Barany, “How Armies Respond to Revolutions and Why”, Democratization, 2016. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2016.1189645
Marcus Mietzner, ed., “The Political Resurgence of the Military in Southeast Asia: Conflict and Leadership”, South East Asia Research 21(4) (2013): 697-701 (with Aurel Croissant).
Sonja Grimm, Erzwungene Demokratie. Politische Neuordnung nach militärischer Intervention unter externer Aufsicht, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (German Political Science Quarterly), 51(4) (2010) 774-776.
Wilfried von Bredow, Militär und Politik in Deutschland. Eine Einführung, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (German Political Science Quarterly) 49(4) (2008): 771-773.
Thomas Heberer and Claudia Derichs, eds., Einführung in die politischen Systeme Ostasiens. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Comparative Governance and Politics) 2(2) (2008): 370-373.
Other publications
- Hans Peter Hofmann (ed.). 2006. Shang Qin: Traum oder Morgen. Bochum: Projekt Verlag (translation from Chinese).