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Mo. bis Do. 11-13 Uhr

Am 17. und 18. Juli ist das Geschäftszimmer geschlossen.

The Department of Romance Studies' Contact List

Subject Matter Contact Person

Exam Administration for All Languages

  • Representative for the Department of Romance Studies' Grade Booking System (and Course Administration System) LSF/POS as well as the Credit Administrative System HISPOS

  • Issuing of official transcript records to be submitted with MA and Master of Education applications

  • Issuing of official transcript records to students whom completed Romance Studies’ subjects in French / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese to be submitted to the Common Examination Office (for Bachelor and Master incl. teaching profession) or to be included in applications (e.g. study visits, Erasmus, scholarships)

  • Registration of transferrable credits as well as entry requirements (knowledge of Latin and a second Romance language)

Silvia Montaña



Tips on Inquiries:

Due to the high number of e-mails, please expect a wait time of approximately 2-4 business days before having a response. Please submit your question via e-mail (documents such as proof of necessary qualifications must be attached as a scan) and always include your student number in the inquiry. This is greatly appreciated since it speeds up the process for us!

Inquiries regarding course enrollment and information found on LSF

Madeleine Eppel and Silvia Montaña

If you have any questions, please contact

Subject-specific advising (incl. change of subjects and entry semester) 

[a selection of additional as well as external counselling services can be found here]

Academic Studies Advisors (incl. guidance on changing faculties and semester transfers from another university) [additional or external counselling services can be found here]  


- B.A. / Teacher Training (GymPo) Dr. Béreiziat
- Contact Studies Master Program (incl. registration for a minor subject) Prof. Große
- Master of Education Dr. Béreiziat
- B.A. / Teacher Training (GymPo) Di Taranto
- Contact Studies Master Program (incl. minor subject) / Master of Education Dr. Stellino
- B.A. / Teacher Training (GymPo) Augusto-Hoenicke
- B.A. / Teacher Training (GymPo) Dr. Schmitz
- Contact Studies Master Program (incl. Registration for a Minor Subject)


- Master of Education

Dr. Saban

Matters regarding Bafög (financial aid)

Dr. Schmitz

(Please note that "Leistungsbescheinigung nach §48 BAföG" (Formblatt 5) is also issued by professors Burnautzki, De Stefani, GroßeTeixeira Kalkhoff, and Winkler)

Transferable Credits (Notice of Recognition) n. n.
Exam Orientation Dr. Stellino
Intermediate Assessment Dr. Schmitz
Extension of the intermediate examination Managing director
Registration for the Final Bachelor Degree Oral Exam Dr. Thölken
Erasmus and Additional Exchange Programs [more]
Recognition of Academic Achievements (domestic/international) [more]
Academic Advice from Student Assistants Mia Zipperle
French Literature Dr. Mehrbrey
French Linguistics Titze
French Language Practice Dr. Béreiziat
French Cultural Studies Dr. Mehrbrey
Italian Literature Dr. Mehrbrey
Italian Linguistics n. n.
Italian Language Practice Di Taranto
Italian Cultural Studies Dr. Mehrbrey
Portuguese Literature PD Dr. Nina
Portuguese Linguistics Prof. Große
Portuguese Language Practice Augusto-Hönicke
Portuguese Cultural Studies Dr. Mehrbrey
Spanish Literature PD Dr. Nina
Spanish Linguistics Dr. Sowada
Spanish Language Practice Esplá
Spanish Cultural Studies Dr. Mehrbrey
Romanian Dr. Constantinescu
General Course Coordinators for Intermediary Modules for the Master of Education  
French Titze
Italian Dr. Stellino
Spanish Montaña
Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-05-23
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