Funü Shibao
No. 003 (22 September, 1911)
Pages available: 1 - 130 (130 total)
婦女時報第三期目錄Funü shibao,issue no. 3, table of contents
婦人經濟論On women's economics [finance]
兒童之觀念Children's perceptions
說女子之體操On exercises for women
家庭教育與女子教育的關係The relationship between family education and women's education
論婦女醉心西法宜有節制On the need for restrictions on women’s infatuation with Western ways
人類羞恥心之解剖Anatomy [analysis] of human's sense of shame
杭州旅行記Hanzhou travelogue
婦女之衛生一班- 月經之注意/ 妊娠之保養A lesson on women's hygiene - menstruation care/ pregnancy care
蘇州婚嫁之風俗Marriage customs in Suzhou
小兒疾病看護法How to care for sick children
嘉定女子職業談About women's occupations in Jiading
豪侈之我妻My wife is a lavish spender
愛國花A patriotic flower [woman]
美國女教育家麗痕女士逸話Anecdotes about Ms. [Mary] Lyon, an American female educator
常熟毛貞烈婦傳Biography of chaste woman Mao from Changshu
多子之日本夫人談A Japanese woman with many children
遊植園記A Visit to the botanical garden
悼亡兒炎文Lamenting my dead son Yan
玉蟾蜍The jade toad
中饋錄A wife’s guide to the Chinese culinary arts
噴水源之研究Study of [the operation of] water fountains
吾家之財政Our household finances
上海急宜織組女子青年會Shanghai urgently needs to organize a young women's association
婦女時報出版祝詞Congratulatory essay on the publication of Funü shibao
陶廉哀詞Lament for Tao Lian
祭庶康文Lament for Shu Kang
張悅許襄小傳Short biographies of Zhang Yue and Xu Xiang
讀木蘭辭書後Some thoughts after reading the Ballad of Mulan
女界之裝飾與國家經濟談On women's fashion and the national economy
修勤墓碑On the tombstone of Xiu Qin
讀者俱樂部Readers' Club [Corner]
吊古六首Six poems on famous people from the past
寓言七絕四章Four poems of fables
白門悲秋集題辭為夫婿石子作Poem for inscribing my husband Shizi's poetry album Baimen beiqiuji
億母八絕Eight short poems to commemorate my mother
讀承粲女士婦女時報有感四絕次韻Composed after "the four short poems hastily composed after reading Funü shibao" by Ms. Chengcan [in issue 2]
落花詩六十首遺存四首並序Remaining four of the sixty poems titled Fallen Flowers (and the preface)
編輯室Editor's Office
尋芳草 - 送春Farewell to spring - in the melody of Xunfangcao
虞美人- 寒夜Chilling Night - in the melody of Yumeiren
河傳 - 對月Watching the Moon - in the melody of Hezhuan
摸魚子-春暮感懷In the melody of Moyuzi - Moved by the end of spring
各地婦女之職業Women's occupations in all regions