No. 039 (09 December, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
第三十九期要目Important contents of issue thirty-nine
中國不能戰勝日本嗎Can't China defeat Japan?
記清何香凝先生的話Remember clearly what Mr He Xiangning has said
枕上情淚Tears of love on the pillow
怎樣使家庭和睦How to keep your family in harmony
國家興亡女子有責Women are responsible for the rise and fall of a nation
女子與軍事訓練Women and military training
青年的追求The courtship of the youth
來函An incoming letter
女界對於東省事件應有的認識(續)The women's world should be aware of the situation in Northern provinces (continued)
我見猶憐的珍女士Ms Zhen, whom even I cannot help loving upon seeing her
讀者呼聲Readers' voice
戀愛過程中的默許Acquiescence in the course of love relationship
單身女子赴歐經過(續)The course of a single woman going to Europe (continued)
常識趣問An interesting question concerning common knowledge
止血法How to stop bleeding
過肥之改造The transformation of the overweight
孕婦食品討論Discussion on the food for pregnant women
不要上了倭子的當Don't be fooled by the Japanese
洗滌衣漬法How to remove stains from clothes
怎麼使手美觀How to beautiful your hands
初冬新裝New dress for early winter
傘的效用The utility of umbrella
經濟之晨餐法An economical way of having breakfast
又一個受丈夫虐待的女同胞Another sister who is mistreated by her husband
用情不可不慎One has to be cautious to handle sentiment
代郵The substitute for mailing
兒童教育Children education
小兒斷乳後之適當食料Appropriate food for an infant after withdrawing the supply of breast milk
小兒不能哺乳的處置The handling of infants who can not be breast-fed yet
愛我什麼Which part of me do you love
逃婚以後After running away from wedding
讀者意見Readers' suggestion
克萊柏拉的失蹤The disappearance of Kelaibaila
克萊拉寶的真相The truth of Kelailabao
馬利坡的未卜先知The foresight of Malipo
沙灘的笪許門Daxumen on the beach
馬利坡的明星樂園The paradise of stars in Malipo
南錫卡洛的女導演談Nancy Carroll's talk about female regisseurs
一九三一年明星的薪金The earnings of stars in 1931
吉而勃之賭興Jierbo's gambling zest
請你宣布情史Please announce your love history
獅明星的牙病The toothache of star lion
編輯者言Editor's note
明星殖民香屑The anecdote about the colonization of stars