No. 124 (13 December, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
本期要目Important contents of this issue
由摩登說到現代青年女士from modern to modern young women
驚人的化妝品漏巵amazing cosmetic leaks
安南婦女與檳榔Annan women and areca
結婚名稱marriage name
一位富於性感的女星.梅惠斯脫之禦男術a sexy actress. How Mae West treats men
不結婚之害the disadvantages of not getting married
摩登主婦的四德the four virtues of modern housewife
妓女的年齡ages of prostitutes
解決不合意的婚姻to solve the unhappy marriage
美國女學生之職業及結婚觀the opinions of American female students on career and marriage
晨餐不宜過多breakfast should not be too much
製膠水簡便法simple method to make glue
啟新書法how to make a new book
紅紙吃墨法how red paper eats ink
水果之功效(下)the functions of fruits (2)
婢欲承繼the maid wants to inherit
結婚儀式wedding ceremony
一個摩登小姐a modern girl
娶妾to marry a concubine
“無後為大”之流毒the pernicious influence of "no child is the most serious of being unfilial"
甘地夫人又被捕Mrs. Gandhi was arrested again
女子願當劊子手a woman is willing to be the executioner
女青年會展覽國貨female youth association exhibits domestic products
兒童睡眠之衛生the hygiene of children's sleep
幾位明星的薪金salaries of several stars
玲妮蓋諾改名換姓Lingni Gainuo changed her name
麗琳哈維的新片new movie of Lilian Harvey
高爾夫新紀錄the new record of golf
兩週間中外新片等級ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
好萊塢的一部裸體影片. 電檢會又要忙碌了a Hollywood nude movie. The movie inspection association will be busy again
你知道嗎Do you know
瓊哈勞下嫁攝影師Jean Harlow marries a photographer
一場歡喜. “電影盃”中途流產an empty joy. "the movie cup" is cancelled at midway
上海影院近況the recent situation of cinemas in Shanghai