No. 253 (16 September, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
"玲瓏" 婦女雜誌Linloon women's magazine
卅六期要目Table of contents of Issue no. 36
取締 ”摩登“ 的根本辦法Suppress the fundamental way of "modern"
為時代的苦悶而自殺how depressed feelings are leading to suicide
美國小姐的一生The one life of an American woman
男人善妬而不肯寬恕的[When] men are jealous [than they] refuse to forgive
看得與看不得To see and not to see
做小姑的應該想想將來A sister-in-law should think about the future
吃不窮,穿不窮,算計不好一世窮You will not become poor by buying food and cloth. If you do the calculation [of your money] at home, than you can avoid being poor.
日本婦女的職業The career of Japanese women
壯烈的犧牲An heroic sacrificec
張瑞芬:在美國參加飛行比賽為中國女性增光不少Zhang Ruifen: The are many Chinese women who participate in Air races in America
飛渡大西洋Fly across the Atlantic
溥儀的小姨Pu Yi's aunt
未來的英后The future of the Queen of England
老實的與俏皮的Honest and attractive
乳部平坦[I have] small breasts
讀了表情Reading facial expressions
健美須注意與身姿Health and beauty shouldn't pay attention to the body shape/ appearance
講買衣服之注意The attention of the so called cloth purchase
響影的咖啡食The coffee and food echo/response
好貓具有何種特徵What characteristics does a good cat have?
兒童與娛樂Children and entertainment
怪人是誰Who is the strange person?
怪人A strange person
衣領上吊A hanged collar
過去的丈夫A passed away husband
上海女子職業介紹所一瞥A [small] glance at the introduction of Shanghai's women occupations
出嫁時的表情The expressions of a woman who is getting married
新婚之夜The Wedding Night
英國排斥女教員運動The team of the United Kingdom rejected the excersises of [their] female teacher
復旦兩校后The two school queens of the Fudan University
戀愛特寫: 二次方程式The second equation