No. 254 (23 September, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
"玲瓏" 婦女雜誌Linloon women's magazine
卅七期要目Table of contents of Issue no. 37
少婦釘板蕩湖A young woman who was nailed to a plank drifted on a lake
禁止女子理髮Prohibit women to cut their hair
你們有這種錯誤嗎?Do you have this kind of mistakes?
丈夫外遇問題: 男子的自私,虛榮的劣性根The problems if husbands are having an affair: The selfishness of men and the inferior root of vanity
不准替女子剪髮Women are not allowed to cut their hair
戀愛講座:青年男女們應該怎樣地愛Love talk: How should yound men and women love
男子的虛榮心The vanity of men
丈夫妻子同樣要曉得的Husband and wif both have to know it
一種特種生意: 日本的婚姻介紹所A special business: Japan's marriage agencies
希特勒口中: 德國女子只配生兒子Hitler said: German women should only marry to give birth to sons
這是什麼世界?日本七十歲藝妓應徵What kind of world is this? A seventy year old geisha is applying for a job
拒絕呢,還是接受?To reject or to accept it?
電燙如何免頭髮枯黃How to avoid dried yellow hair by doing a perm
乳房癟垂[If my] breast is empty, [it only] hangs down
除腋毛與腋汗To remove armpit hair and armpit sweat
頸底美容術如何按摩How to massage the neck after a cosmetic surgery
看護常識Nursing knowledge
對付孩子的態度[How] to deal with children's attitude
偵探故事: 女​​星相家之死Detective Stories: A female star want to go home to die
生育奇談Fertility stories
戀愛特寫: 平地風波Ground crisis/ disturbance