Funü Shibao
No. 004 (05 November, 1911)
Pages available: 1 - 132 (132 total)
婦女時報第四號Women's Eastern Times Issue No. 4
鎮江警察局教練官唐麟保夫人人造自來血後之玉照Picture of the Wife of Tang Linbao, Chief Instructor of the Zhenjiang Police Station, after using the artificial blood.
天津丁振之君之夫人患胃氣疼痛為韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸所治癒Mrs. Ding Zhenzhi in Tianjin had been suffering from stomach ache. She was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
若恩達克 Jeanne d'Arc 記About Jeanne d'Arc
歐洲新嫁娘初妝時之攝影Photograph of a European bride after make-up
日本新嫁娘入洞房時喜娘相扶之攝影Picture of a Japanese bride entering the matrimonial room, accompanied by the chaperone
爪哇之富婦A wealthy woman of Java
爪哇之貴婦An elegant woman of Java
雙城府官立女子師範學堂開學紀念影Photograph to commemorate the beginning of the school year at the Shuangchengfu Public Normal School for Women
北洋女子公學師範科學生為教員呂崑秀女士送別紀念影Photo of the farewell party for teacher Lü Kunxiu, hosted by the students of the normal division of the Beiyang Public School for Women
日本女學生之習手工Japanese female students learning to do handicrafts
日本女學生之演劇Japanese female students performing a theatrical piece
張默君女史之油畫/ 醒獅圖An oil painting by Ms. Zhang Mojun / Awakened Lion
水靜鷗閒圖Seagulls relaxing near the quiet water
春江帆影Sails on the river in spring
辛亥夏民立上海女中學堂本科生第一次畢業攝影/周蕪君/許瓊華/張秀傑/左鵑南/高令融/周在馨/王英雲/李曙支/張志潔/潘詠絮/朱蘇本綺/葉蘇本清/王蘇本喦/湯蘇本楠Picture of the first graduating class of Shanghai Minli Middle School for Women, Summer 1911. Zhou Wujun/ Xu Qionghua/Zhang Xiujie/ Zuo Juannan/Gao Lingrong/ Zhou Zaixin/ Wang Yingyun/ Li Shuzhi/ Zhang Zhijie/ Pan Yongxu/ Zhu Su Benqi/ Ye Su Benqing/ Wang Su Benyan/ Tang Su Bennan
軍諮大臣朗貝勒福晉Wife of Military Advisor Lang beile,
軍諮大臣朗貝勒之大格格Eldest daughter of Military Advisor Lang beile
日本女神童Japanese female child prodigy
山東五歲神童江希張Five-year-old child prodigy Jiang Xizhang from Shandong
徽州府黃山旁河邊水碓風景View of water and rock at the foothill of Huangshan in Huizhoufu
﹖小忽雷 [in 篆體]The small Hulei
﹖大忽雷 [in 篆體]The big Hulei
中將湯 / The Chujoto TsumuraThe Chujoto Tsumura
準時計Pocket watches
清醒鏡Eye glasses
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
補品注意Attention/ Health product
固本自造Made by Guben
夏士蓮雪花Hazeline Snow
神聖敬愛之看護婦The sacred [selfless] and respected nurse
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上海風景大境小北門Shanghai sight Xiaobeimen
上海風景龍華園Shanghai sight Longhua Garden
上海風景龍華寺Shanghai sight Longhua Temple
上海風景匯中西館Shanghai sight Huizhongxi guan
上海風景三茅閣橋Shanghai sight Sanmaoge Bridge
上海風景吳淞口兵艦Shanghai sight - a warship at Wusongkou
上海風景一Shanghai sight (1)
上海風景二Shanghai sight (2)
上海風景三Shanghai sight (3)
上海風景四Shanghai sight (4)
甲﹑乙﹑丙Figures (a, b, c)
甲﹑乙﹑丙﹑丁Figures (a, b, c, d)
乙﹑丙Figures (b, c)
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