No. 007 (29 April, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
潘振坤女士畢業于中西女塾頗聞名于社交界Ms Pan Zhenkun graduates from Chinese-Western private girls' school. She is very well-known in social circles.
羅意雲女士玉影 (其作品見本期二二三頁)Precious photo of Ms Luo Yiyun (whose article can be found on page 223 of this issue)
婦女 增進婦女 優美生活Women - to improve women's elegant and beautiful lives
廣東省立第一女子師範高中師範科第三屆教育考察團。由胡吾初君率領至南京北平等處考察。圖示該團在船上及方由廣州出發出時之攝影The third education investigation group of the pedagogical branch of Guangdong provincial No. one women's normal middle school.They are guided by Mr Hu Wuchu to visit Nanjing, Beiping and other places.The photos were taken when they were in the ship and when they just set off from Guangzhou.
本文作者張桂卿女士近影Recent photo of Ms Zhang Guiqing, the author of this article
務本女生黃慈明(右)李才樑(左)兩女士近影Recent photo of Huang Ciming (right) and Li Cailiang (left), the female students from Wuben
王文寶女士好文藝精音樂Ms Wang Wenbao, fond of literature and art, excellent in music.
左宛君女士Ms Zuo Wanjun
霍景燕景熹姊妹合影Group photo of sisters Huo Jingyan and Huo Jingxi
但願日兒永不沉.因為他們還是在蜜月呢If only the sun will never set - because they are still on their honeymoon.
左圖是美國一九三一年最新居室的佈置.所用的器具都極玲瓏,試看所用的椅子多麼輕便.牆上的架子一點不占他位,既別緻又時髦。地上所鋪的地席,花紋好像磚塊砌成的,更可以顯得她的美麗。住在這樣的屋裏真要心怡神快了。In the left picture you can see the latest interior decoration in America in 1931. All utensils are very exquisite. Look, the chairs are light and convenient. The shelf on the wall doesn't take too much room at all, both unique and modern. The pattern of the floor seems to be made up by bricks, which highlights its beauty. Living in such a room one could be totally relaxed and happy.
新娘頭上的裝飾也是值得研究的左圖形似冠冕式的裝飾雖然頗爲簡單但是還很大方而且莊嚴The bridal head decoration is worth studying. The crown-like decoration in the left picture is rather simple but it is also decent and solemn.
春夏的時候最容易患病.攤上擔上的東西還是少吃為是.It is most likely to get ill in spring and in summer. So it is better to eat as little as possible street food.
你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手表請驾臨南京路中美鐘表眼鏡公司.歡迎參觀.If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.
編輯者言Editor's note
光藝照相館館主彭望軾君之令郎天真爛漫The innocent son of Mr Peng Wangshi, the owner of Guangyi photo studio
[No caption]
海濱一瞥A glance at the seashore
小范朋克的後母披克馥在歌女懷春中Fairbanks Jr.'s stepmother (Mary) Pickford in the film "A Singing Girl Thinking of Spring (?)"
浴女bathing woman
羅傑出病院時的攝影Photo taken when Roger?? left hospital
伊絲脫女士近影Recent photo of Ms Estelle Taylor
南錫卡洛將吻的留影Nancy Carroll, photo taken while she is about to kiss
娛樂. 提倡社會高尚娛樂Enterntainment - encouraging tasteful entertainment in society
含苞的花在春天都怒放開來,她也急急乎要儘量顯露出來Flower buds are in full bloom in spring. She is also eager to become visible as much as possible.
電影明星陶樂絲喬頓近影Recent photo of the movie starlet Dorothy Jordan