No. 020 (29 July, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
啟秀女塾曹文仙女士近影Recent photo of Ms Cao Wenxian from Qixiu Private Girls' School
晏摩氏女校俞育銘女士玉影Precious photograph of Ms Yu Yuming from Yanmoshi Girls' School
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愛閱攝影畫報之孟健麗女士Ms Meng Jianli who loves to read Pictorial Weekly
鄭翠華女士玉照Precious photograph of Ms Zheng Cuihua
黃慧霞女士近影Recent photo of Ms Huang Huixia
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聖瑪利女生捧茶敬客情形The scene of the female students from St. Mary (School) serving guests with tea
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孫錦心女士Ms Sun Jinxin
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在談話之中。女子一定要防備男子醜態的暴露。所以談話切勿過於甜蜜。不然他就會情不自禁的。強將他的唇。湊到你的唇上。當時你或許也會因心熱而和他摟抱。可是你熱度退縮之後。懊悔就莫及了。During conversation, women must take precautions against the emergence of men's unseemly manner. So don't use words that are too sweet. Otherwise he will be unable to control himself and impose his lips onto yours. At that moment you might hug him out of passion. However, once your fire goes out, it will be too late to regret.
婷婷玉立之陳香衛女士Ms Chen Xiangwei in graceful position
燙髮新樣(三):甜心式Women's new hair perm styles (3): the style of sweet heart
癡漢Foolish men
黃淑文女士近影Recent photo of Ms Huang Shuwen
手的美The beauty of hands
摩登餐室之佈置Arrangement of a modern dining room
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凝視Fixed gaze
待哺Waiting to be fed
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甜蜜,沉醉,葡萄之酒,青春之露,一滴滴的注入少女底心靈Sweet, intoxicated, wine, the alcohol of grape, the dew of youth, leaking into the girl's heart drop by drop
戲水以後After playing in the water/sea
勃利克小姐每天早晨必游泳一次Ms Bolike needs to swim every morning
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瓊克勞馥之游泳裝Joan Crawford's swimming suit
此影攝法及光線極佳可作人像攝影之參考The technique and lighting of this photo is excellent. It can be used as reference for portrait photography
甜姊兒南錫最近小影A recent small-sized photo of sweet girl Nancy [Carroll]