No. 058 (13 July, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
本屆民立畢業生陳畹清女士Ms Chen Wanqing, this year's graduate of a civil school
馬路如虎口當中不可走Streets are like jaws of death. Don't walk in the middle of a street.
紅廟前信女購香燭之情形The scene of female believers buying joss sticks and candles in front of Red Temple
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世界第一女游泳家The number one female swimmer in the world
利華皂粉Lux soap powder
常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
一九三二年被選為菲律濱女士兼嘉年華會花后之三摩拉女士芳容The beautiful look of Ms Sanmola, who was selected to be Lady of the Philippines as well as the flower queen of the Carnival in 1932
接衫和馬甲Dress made of by two different cloths and vest
獲本屆嘉年華會競選為呂宋女士之羅莎蓮那林女士Ms Luoshalian'nalin, selected to be Lady of Luzon in this year's Carnival
凝眸Eyes gazing fixedly
花間獨坐之兩江籃球健將邵錦英女士小影Photo of Ms Shao Jinying, basketball player of Liangjiang, sitting alone among flowers
李碧書女士的玉影Precious photo of Ms Li Bishu
晏摩氏畢業生陳香衛女士玉照Precious photo of Ms Chen Xiangwei, graduate from Yanmoshi
玉環舞Dance of jade ring
天真活潑的小寶寶An innocent and lively baby
她是未來的法侖威爾?呢Is she the future Falunwei'er?
培成女校表演"狄四娘"The performance "Di Si Niang" of Peicheng girls' school
虹日漏天游泳池之邵韻清女士玉影Precious photo of Ms Shao Yunqing at the Hongri open-air swimming pool
聯華新片粉紅色的夢之一幕One scene in "The Pink Dream", the new film from Lianhua
半推半就Half-declining and half-accepting
在鬱熱的夏天In hot summer
明星公司新片啼笑因緣之一幕One scene in "The Marriage of Laughters and Tears", the new film from the Star company
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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嬌小玲瓏的陶樂賽嬌鄧The petite Taolesaijiaodeng
安聶泰路貽最近玉影Recent precious photo of Anita Louise