No. 090 (05 April, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 60 (60 total)
高雪松女士近影a recent photo of Ms. Gao Xuesong
階前獨坐sitting alone on the step
張桂卿女士之綽約豐姿the charms of Ms. Zhang Guiqing
在沈思中的袁韻舫女士Ms. Yuan Yunfang in meditation
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玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
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香的花,綠的樹葉,美麗的青春少女陪襯着。a beautiful young girl accompanying the fragrance of the flower and the greenness of the leaves
東方女子唯有靜在的時候纔可以顯示她的美the beauty of an oriental woman will only be revealed when she is still
白毛領皮大衣之新樣式a new style of coat with white fur collar
常識Common knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
滬上名媛談志英女士近影a recent photo of Ms. Tan Zhiying, a famous Lady in Shanghai.
葉智女士小影,其作品見本期增刊之文藝版。a photo of Ms. Ye Zhi, her work is published on the newly added Literature column of this issue
春意綿綿池邊獨坐sitting at the pond in the beautiful spring weather
淑仙銓培銓鴻銓引在家園合影Shuxian Quanpei Quanhong Quanyin photographed at home
民立女校袁岫雯小姐Ms. Yuan Xiuwen from the Minli Girls' School
聖瑪莉亞女生課後在日規旁休息之留影Girls from the St. Maria Girls' School having their picture taken at the Sundial during the break
北平燕京大學女生生活girls' life at the Yenjing University
課餘與好友散步going for a walk with a good friend during the break
左張素雯右閔翠英兩女士合影left Zhang Suwen right Min Cuiying the two ladies having a picture taken
洪如琳女士其作品見本期文藝版Ms. Hong Rulin. Her work is published on the Literature Column in this issue.
滬西兆豐公園風景幽美為春遊之盛地。此為園中池旁之景。Zhaofeng Park in western Shanghai is a tourist attraction in spring for its beautiful landscape. This is a scene of the lake.
霍爾姆之柔軟操練Huo'ermu's calisthenics
雍容華貴的露泊范麗絲the elegant and poised Lupe Vélez
克勞黛考爾柏在游泳池跳板上Claudette Colbert on a spring board of the swimming pool
下水前練習?勢之愛蓮嬌芝Ailianjiaozhi practicing before entering the water
皓齒:白玉牙膏White Teeth: Gem Tooth Paste
南錫嘉露在新片中之表演Nancy Carroll performing in the new film
范麗絲半裸的舞姿Vélez dancing half-naked
表演甜吻的莎莉薏莉和白率爾姆斯Shaliyili and Baishuai'ermusi performing kissing
卡羅琳拍之秋波流盼Carole Lombard's beautiful eyes
騷女郎露泊范麗斯的肉感豐姿hot girl Lupe Velez' sensual dancing pose
女星愛蓮嬌芝小影a photo of female star Ailianjiaozhi
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
好學的男子studious men
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銀幕上一顆永遠光輝的明星瑙瑪希拉,她正在為了自己的成功很滿足地微笑着。Norma Shearer a forever shining star on the screen, being satisfied with her success, she is smiling.
雪爾維亞雪尼之日本裝束Sylvia Sidney's Japanese outfit