No. 123 (06 December, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
獲女童軍比畫單旗比賽第一之第八十八團江陵中學女童子軍The eighty-eighth regiment of Jiangling high school girl scouts won the first price of the girl scout single flag competition
營地佈置縣立初級揚中表現揚州勝景五景橋 Yangzhou secondary schools in the county primary school layout of the Yangzhou scenic five scenic bridge
營門用飛機作蓬帳崇明敦行女中第三八八團Camp with the plane of in the 388th regiment of Chongming Dunhang women's school
第六十團揚州女中童軍燒飯情形Cooking scene of the sixty regiment Yangzhou female scouts
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
女童軍觀察比賽個人第一沙錢女士係揚州女中第六十團團員Ms. Shaxian from Yangzhou women's school sixty regiment won individual first of the scout observing competition
女童軍生火比賽劈柴工作情形Girl Scout wood split and fire competition
女童軍軍刀使用比賽第一名戈瑞芬,係常熟女子藝術中學第七七四團員First price winner of saber using Ge Ruifen from Girl Scout of Changshu Women's Art Middle School 77th regiment
女童軍筆劃雙旗比賽情形Girl Scouts pen double flag game situation
常識Common knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
女童軍之生活情形─洗菜The Girl Scout's Life - Washing the vegetables
女童軍縫補比賽情形The girl scout sewing competition situation
女童軍筆劃單旗比賽情形Girl Scout pen single flag game situation
女童軍救護比賽係第六十團揚州中學女童軍獲冠軍,二圖均為救護比賽情形Girl Scout rescue competition sixty regiment of Yangzhou middle school Girl Scout champion, two figures are Ambulance competition
女童軍規律比賽情形Girl Scout discipline competition situation
揚州女中六十團之榮譽The honor of Yangzhou women's 60th regiment
揚州女中拔營歸去Yangzhou women's school camp back home
女童軍六十團喫飯之情形Girl Scouts sixty regiment is having the meal
尚文幼稚生之表演展旗遊戲Children in Shangwen kindergarten are performancing flag game
女小學生之團體體操一幕Female pupils in the group gymnastics
幼稚生之唱歌表演Kindergarten children singing
女小學生百米競賽終點Female primary school students at the 100 meters race finishing line
小聯運會中之四位天真活潑的小姑娘Four lively girls in the primary sports meeting
未來社會之棟樑The pillars of the future society
女小學生排隊入操場 Female students line up into the playground
香港籃球健將黃翠君女士Hong Kong basketball player Mrs. Huang Cuijun
女界珍聞:下圖為校長廖奉基女士與澳督美蘭德夫婦合影Women titbits: The photo of Miss Liao Fengji with Australian Governor Mr. Mei Lande and Mrs. Mei Lande
女界珍聞:(上圖)舉行奠基典禮之澳督美蘭德氏與諸名教育家Women titbits: (Photo above) Australian Governor Mei Lande and other educators helding groundbreaking ceremony
葛蘭德費蕾Glenda Farrell
克勞黛考爾白Claudette Colbert
明星胡蝶女士在鹽潮中之表情The face emotion of the star Miss Hu Die at the salt tide
柯達萬利軟片包Kodak Verichrome Film Pack
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
電影明星阮玲玉女士Film star Miss Ruan Lingyu