No. 268 (06 January, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
徐玲女士 (湯友章遺作)Miss Xu Ling (Tang Youzhang's last work)
周璇 (何左明攝)Zhou Xuan (by He Zuoming)
袁紹梅 (何佐明攝)Yuan Shaomei (by He Zuoming)
放爆竹:陳娟娟 (何佐明攝)Fire the cracker: Chen Juanjuan (by He Zuoming)
放爆竹:陳娟娟 (何佐明攝)Fire the cracker: Chen Juanjuan (by He Zuoming)
時裝:胡蝶 滬江攝Fashion: Hu Die, by Hu Jiang
路明 滬江攝Lu Ming, by Hu Jiang
路明 滬江攝Lu Ming, by Hu Jiang
胡蓉蓉和她的小朋友 何佐明攝Hu Rongrong and her litter friends, by He Zuoming
胡蓉蓉和她的小朋友 何佐明攝Hu Rongrong and her litter friends, by He Zuoming
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玲瓏信箱Mailbox of Linloon
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常識Common knowledge
影星照片社Movie Stars Photograph House
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秀蘭鄧波兒替洋娃娃找了一個朋友Shirley Temple has found a friend for her doll
秀蘭鄧波兒的洋娃娃長大了The doll of Shirley Temple has grown up
秀蘭鄧波兒的洋娃娃睡覺了The doll of Shirley Temple is sleeping
秀蘭鄧波兒抱著一個洋娃娃Shirley Temple is holding her doll
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雷費Lei Fu
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