No. 268 (06 January, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
第一期要目Important contents of the first issue
一九三七年對婦女界的希望Hope for women's world in 1937
對女同胞們的希望三點Three hopes for women compatriots
婦女們的非常工作Extraordinary work of women
叔本華的一些語論Some word of Schopenhauer
辛博森夫人的身世Life experience of Mrs. Simpson
綏遠的婚俗Wedding Customs in Suiyuan
日本的一種女子職業A profession of women in Japan
愛情與信仰Love and belief
多交男友的女友應該與她絕交嗎Should I break off with my friend, when she has many boyfriends?
跟不相識人結婚Marry a stranger
三個重要問題Three important questions
淋病-性別的決定gonorrhea-what decides the gender
X光避孕X-ray contraception
如何可受孕How to become pregnant
美容的條件some points for cosmetology
預防煤毒Prevention of gas-poisoning
怎樣訓練孩子how to train children
旁狄村血案 (下)Murder in Pangdi village
妙齡女騙子the young woman is a liar
嘉興新起的女招待the new waitress in Jiaxing
一位六十九歲的美國女教育學家an 69-year-old american female educationalist
女人與女人結婚A woman marries another woman