No. 285 (12 May, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
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芝玉女士 (趙友珊攝)Miss Zhiyu (by Zhao Youshan)
晏摩氏女校四十週年唐振英女士之化粧Tang Zhenying with make-up on the fortieth anniversary of yan mo shi girls school
晏摩氏女校之女天使Female angels in yan mo shi woman school
郭預英Guo Yuying
陳蘊芳Chen Yunfang
李兆林Li Zhaolin
巖詩蘅Yan Shiheng
史九錫女士之女化男裝Shi Jiuxi cross-dressing
王瑾生女士之女化男裝Wang Jinsheng cross-dressing
月光的魔力magic power of the moonlight
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攝影畫報Photo magazine
玲瓏信箱Mailbox of Linloon
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
兩江女體之健身運動 杜鰲攝Body building in Liangjiang woman sports center, by Du Ao
常識Common knowledge
露薏絲蘭納Luise Rainer
黛恩娜朵蘋Deanna Durbin
珍妮槐特Jane Wyatt
依立諾鮑威爾Eleanor Powell
梯萊露絲克Tilly Losch
劉雪英小姐 (羅斐理攝)Miss Liu Xueying (by Luo Feili)