No. 285 (12 May, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
第十八期要目Important contents of the eighteenth issue
悲壯的五月Solemn and stirring May
心目中的“理想伴侶”the ideal partner in mind
長鬚奇譚About the long beard
半打俱樂部“half a dozen” club
戀愛經sayings about love
從上海到抗敵最前線from Shanghai to the front against enemy
行將游華的美聾盲女作家the american deaf blind female writer is coming to China
月光的魔力magic power of the moolight
舞票與支票紛飛dance tickets and checks fly
煩惱的婚姻迫上來the annoying marriage is coming
訂婚後想看看未婚夫want to see hunsband-to-be after engage
女子徴婚是否適宜is it suitable for a woman to seek a man for marriage in newspaper
性情褊急的丈夫irritable husband
愛美秘訣secrets of beauty
家庭防火Prevention of fire
糟魚和燻魚的製法two recipes for fish
兒童的齒牙衛生Dental Hygiene of children
呢絨清潔about cleaning the woolen cloth
伙食店血案(上)murder at the food store
給一位少女的信a letter to a girl
一個微雨的黃昏An evening with little rain
我底戀史my love history
交大女宿舍開放中的趣聞anecdotes on the open dormitory day in jiao da