Funü zazhi
No. 003 (28 February, 1927)
Pages available: 1 - 150 (150 total)
西湖柳岸聞莺Listening to warbler on the bank of West Lake
西湖先賢祠及萬字亭Ancestor Temple and Thousands of Words Pavilion
疏林細泉Sparse forest and narrow stream
婦女雜誌第十三卷第三號Ladies' Journal volume 13, issue 3
西方古代的貨幣Western ancient currency
女中之健者The strongest female athlete
奇形怪狀的影像Gotesque pictures
甘后The lady Gan Hou
薊州的虎邱Huqiu in Jizhou
蓟州的苍溪亭Cangxi Pavilion in Jizhou
無錫的梅園Mume park in the city of Wuxi
大湖的牛頭諸The cow-head island in the lake
茶盤的花樣The designs of tea plate
公打婆罵姑嫂笑Bullied by parents in law and laughed at by sisters in law