No. 012 (03 June, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
啓秀女塾蕭嘉雲女士玉影 Ms Xiao Jiayun from Qixiu Private Girls' School
鮑煒彬女士近影 Close-up (Recent) picture of Ms Bao Weibin
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貢獻給姊妹們的幾句話 Several sentences contributed to sisters
婦女 婦女增進優美生活 Women - women promote elegant and beautiful lives
貢獻給姊妹們的幾句話 Several sentences contributed to sisters
本文作者魏圭玉女士近影 Close-up (recent) picture of this article's writer Ms Wei Guiyu
女青年會全國協會奠基禮 The founding ceremony of the national association of the association of young women
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談談朋友 On friends
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中西女塾校長楊美貞女士,為婦女界領袖之一,斐聲滬上 Ms Yang Meizhen, headmaster of Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) Girls' School and one of the leading figures in women's world, well-known in Shanghai.
談談朋友 On friends
配藥室中之看護婦 Nurses in the medicine dispensing room
雅樂社游九溪十八澗 The society of elegant music visiting the Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies (in Hangzhou)
這就是提倡女子職業嗎 Is it (really the way) to promote women's career?
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這就是提倡女子職業嗎 Is it (really the way) to promote women's career?
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
憶江南 — 春去 Reminiscence of Jiangnan - Spring goes away
可厭的大腿 Fed up with my thighs (my disgusting thighs)
閨秀影集 Album of Elegant Ladies
傷風後的紅鼻子 A red nose after catching a cold
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眼眶四週的白點 White dots around eyes
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汪春若女士近影 Close-up (recent) picture of Ms Wang Chunruo
傍晚約友游園至足怡情逸緻 In the evening, to invite friends to visit a park can fully soothe one's mood and nourish one's spirit
交際祕訣 The secret to socializing
男子一定要會鈔麽 (續) Should men always pay the bill? (continued)
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到病房去的常識 Common knowledge about visiting the sick
到病房去的常識 Common knowledge about visiting the sick
女子美的破產 The bankruptcy of female beauty
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摩登的腳 Modern feet
摩登的腳 Modern feet
摩登臥室,除了牆壁之外,連器具都富有美術的圖案,使人屬目,心怡神快。 A modern sleeping room, besides the wall, even the utensils are abundant in artistic designs. It is compelling and pleasant.
領頭架子 collar braces
飲牛乳者注意 Remarks on drinking cow's milk
婦女坐蓐時的準備—嬰孩出世的一刹那閒 Women preparing for childbirth - the moment a child is born
婦女坐蓐時的準備—嬰孩出世的一刹那閒 Women preparing for childbirth - the moment a child is born
飲牛乳者注意 Remarks on drinking cow's milk
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她與他 She and He
吃吃不易吐出 For Kids with stuttering problem, words don't come out smoothly.
臨時的丈夫 Temporary husband
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吃吃不易吐出 For Kids with stuttering problem, words don't come out smoothly.
快快預定本刊 Subscribe our magazine quickly
代辦部 信託部
第十期開獎末尾兩號為 The last two numbers of the lottery result of the tenth issue
除去面上的紅粒 Getting rid of red spots/pimples in face
她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Linloon Magazine
兒童的病徵 Symptoms of children's diseases
攻讀 Studying diligently
兒童的病徵 Symptoms of children's diseases
兒童的戶外生活 Children's outdoor life/activities
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雨中攝影 Taking photographs in the rain
划船 Rowing
小伙伴 Little pal
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黃柳霜之怪癖 The pecularities of Huang Liushuang
小考爾夫 Small Golf
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愛德夫門羅與麥格雷脫吻姿 Kissing position of Aidefu Menluo and Maige (Maggie?) Leituo
好萊塢的淫奔案 The Case of Elopement in Hollywood
好萊塢電訊 Hollywood dispatch
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大草帽盛行之好萊塢 In Hollywood, big straw hats are en vogue
克萊拉寳病愈 Clara Bow recovers from illness
福斯新片中之艷舞 Glamorous dance in Fusi's new film
青春之舞 The Dance of Youths
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婦女與電影 Women and Film
沉思 Deep in meditation
電影明星愛妮泰潘琪近影 Close-up (recent) picture of the movie star Anita Page