No. 059 (20 July, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
?雪瓊女士 Ms ? Xueqiong
黑與白 Black and white
黑與白 Black and white
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
女生畢業後之去路 The future way of female students after graduation
女生畢業後之去路 The future way of female students after graduation
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姻婚自由之基礎 The basis of the freedom of choosing one's spouse
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主婦須知的十"不要" The ten "nos" about which housewives need to know
男子的心難以擺定 It is hard for the heart of a man to settle down
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我對于畢業姊妹的希望 My wish to sisters after graduation
女林白受航空十字章 Female "Lindbergh" is awarded the Aviation Cross
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我國女子得理學博士之第一人 The first woman in our country who gets the degree of doctor of science
如何解決 How to solve this
莫名其妙 At a loss
莫名其妙 At a loss
節儉為一位高尚女子應具有的美德 Frugality is the virtue that a noble woman should have
再醮是否罪惡? Is it evil to get married again?
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為愛情犧牲前途 To sacrifice one's career for the sake of love
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
常識 Common knowledge
婦女瘦弱的原因及補救方法 Reasons why a woman is emaciated and its remedy
衛生規程 The hygiene regulations
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製藍黑墨水法 How to make dark blue ink
耳的保護 The protection of ears
無線電與電影 電聲日報 Radio and film Diansheng Daily
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法律顧問 Legal Counsel
同居關係 The relationship of living together
風水迷信 The superstitution of "Fengshui"
租孀為妻 To rent a widow to serve as one's wife
風水迷信 The superstitution of "Fengshui"
蓄婢契約 Contracts of slaves and maid-servants
解除婚約 To break off an engagement
長珠鏈 何麗明女士的新裝 Long pearl necklace, the new dress of Ms He Liming
公部局女子中學表演Sylvia之又一幕 One scene of Sylvia performed by the girls' school of the Public Sector Bureau
菲律賓華僑第一女學校表演歌舞之女生 The students from the Number one Chinese girls' school in the Philippines singing and dancing
新和洋行職員呂禮女士 Ms Lu Li, the office worker from Xinhe foreign company
陳華女士的畢業服裝 The graduation attire of Ms Chen Hua
女思想家 A woman thinker
貝綺霞女士的笑容 The smile of Ms Bei Qixia
南海佳人 南洋?立海濱消夏圖 A picture of a beauty of the South China Sea ? standing in water and spending her summer
南海佳人 南洋?立海濱消夏圖 A picture of a beauty of the South China Sea ? standing in water and spending her summer
狼吞虎嚥 Devouring
一對小兄妹 Little elder brother and younger sister
小寶寶 (前湖北建設所長方達智之女公子) A baby (the daughter of Fang Dazhi, the former chief of Hubei Construction Bureau)
漢口育賢學校教員之公子鵬飛 Pengfei, the son of a teacher at Yuxian school in Hankou
夏天的生活 [三圖] Life in summer
游泳之前[二圖] Before swimming
健而美的黎莉莉女士 The healthy and beautiful Ms Li Lili
環球新片"夜間世界"之一幕 One scene in "Night World", the new film from Universal Picture
沙莉曼姿莎 Sari Maritza
嘉寶第三之泰露蘭賓特 Tallulah Bankhead, the third "Garbo"
兒童 Children
我的做母親的經驗 My experience as a mother
兒童 Children
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
童養媳作妾 To take the child birde as his concubine
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
始亂終棄之悲劇 The tragedy of abandoning one's wife
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
輕巧聽筒 Handy earphones
無綫電新出品 A new product of radio
科學常識 Common knowledge in science
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收音機發聲低弱原因 The reasons why the sound of your radio is low and weak
強盜也有良心 This robber has a conscience as well
她底職業 Her occupation
她底職業 Her occupation
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管俏貞生前小影 Photo of Guan Qiaozhen before her death
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (上) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part one)
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (上) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part one)
作者鄭馥珮女士 The auther Ms Zheng Fupei
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (上) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part one)
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
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玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
影片變成廣告 The film is turned into advertisement
銀幕珍聞 New Titbits of the Screen
娛樂 Entertainment
一場虛驚 A false alarm
嘉寶主演笑片 Jiabao acted the leading role in comedies
難道永遠做病夫 Is it really to be a sick man forever
明星公司新片"慈母"之一幕 One scene in "Loving Mother", the new film of the Star company
德國烏發公司女明星露茜巴宋妮 Luxi Basongni, the female star from the german company "Dark Hair"