No. 060 (27 July, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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談雪青女士 Ms Tan Xueqing
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
男子為什麼娶妾 Why men take concubines
男子為什麼娶妾 Why men take concubines
男子為什麼娶妾 Why men take concubines
玲瓏雜誌為婦女界之唯一喉舌 Linglong magazine is the only mouthpiece of the women's world
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看見拿破崙出喪的女人 The woman who witnessed the funeral of Napoleon
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我對于畢業姊妹的希望 My opinion on the hope that sisters have after graduation
誰最善忘? Who is the most forgetful?
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土耳其婦運成績 禁止一夫多妻 使用女子官吏 The achievement of women's movement in Turkey. Polygamy is forbidden. Female government officials are employed
廣州女子之游泳熱 The popularity of swimming among women in Guangzhou
美國大學女生數 The number of female students at American universities
如何解決 How to solve this
何法以證"處男" How to prove the virginity of a man
何法以證"處男" How to prove the virginity of a man
何法以證"處男" How to prove the virginity of a man
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喜歡獨居的丈夫 A husband who likes to live alone
無線電與電影 電聲日報 Radio and film, Diansheng Daily
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常識 Common knowledge
多喫蔬菓的益處 The benefits of eating vegetables and fruits often
夏日兒童患痢的治療法 The treatment of children's diarrhea in summer
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
分析財產 The division of property
父親不得越俎代謀 The father can not interfere with the daughter's decision (of choosing a spouse)
租屋糾葛 The dispute of renting a room
租屋糾葛 The dispute of renting a room
拾遺有罪 It is culpable to appropriate lost property
限定繼承 Limited Inheritance
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
沃懷珍女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Wo Huaizhen
梁培樹女士園中小立 Ms Liang Peishu standing in the garden
程蔣雅英女士近影 其作品見下期本刊 Recent photo of Ms Chengjiang Yaying, whose article could be seen in the next issue of our magazine
整舟待發 Be fully equipped for a journey
新裝 New dress
新裝 New dress
寢衣 Pajama
腳踏車 Bike
試馬 薛錦園女士 Trying out a horse, Ms. Xue Jinyuan
散遊 Casual sightseeing
散遊 Casual sightseeing
運動 Sport
她想學愛脫拉司Atlas,把地球捧在手上 She wants to imitate Atlas, so she holds the globe in both hands
比利時的女子 A woman in Belgium
泰露拉賓海與保羅盧克斯閱電影雜誌時之神情 The looks of Tallulah Bankhead and Paul Lukas reading a film magazine
美國派拉蒙公司明星卡路郎白特與[not identifiable] Kalulangbaite and ?, the stars of American Paramount company
德國烏發公司演員桃樂賽維克 Dorothea Wieck, the actress of the German company "UFA"
美國環球新片"Fast Companto..s"之一幕 One scene in "Fast Companto..s", the new film of American Universal Pictures
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姊姊竟迫妹為娼 The elder sister goes so far as to force her younger sister to prostitute herself
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
求簽問卜害了女兒 She has done harm to her daughter by praying and drawing divination sticks at a temple
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
心情脆弱的小孩 Vulnerable children
Kiss Me Goodnight, Not Goodbye
七歲小孩作賊 A seven-year-old thief
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (下) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part two)
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (下) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part two)
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (下) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part two)
支加哥日報登載這件案的報紙 Chicago Daily, the newspaper which reported this case
支加哥華僑謀殺案 (下) The murder case of an overseas Chinese in Chicago (part two)
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編輯者言 Editor´s Note
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玲瓏書盒 Linglong book case
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失掉了的青春 The lost youth
最新發明之環輪小車 The newest invention, a cart with a big round wheel
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最新發明之環輪小車 The newest invention, a cart with a big round wheel
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收音機的最新趨勢 The newest trend of radio
真空管之發明者 The inventor of vacuum tube
最大的明信片 The biggest postcard
好萊塢花絮 Titbits of Hollywood
娛樂 Entertainment
大飯店開幕中笑話 The joke in the premiere of "The Grand Hotel"
夏天唯一的運動 The only sport in summer
天一公司演員王慧娟女士 Ms Wang Huijuan, the actress of Tianyi company
封面: 米高梅女明星莉拉哈姆士的嬌容 The cover page: the beautiful face of Leila Hyams, the female star of MGM