No. 076 (30 November, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
民立女中校花程靜芳女士 Ms. Cheng Jingfang, Campus Queen of Minli Girls' School
四位女同學 Four Girl Students
北平大學校花馬珏女士(下) 及女友合影 Ms. Ma Yu (below), the Campus Queen of Beiping University, and Her Friend on This Picture
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
新女性的兩大訓練 The Two Important Trainings for New Women
新女性的兩大訓練 The Two Important Trainings for New Women
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獨自到影戲院的經驗 An Experience of Going to the Cinema Alone
獨自到影戲院的經驗 An Experience of Going to the Cinema Alone
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男子的照妖鏡 Mirror of Men's Mind
蘇俄的新舞蹈 New Russian Dance
蘇俄的新舞蹈 New Russian Dance
印度的童婚制度 The India Convention of Marrying Children
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戀愛戰術 (六) Love Tactics (Six)
戀愛戰術 (六) Love Tactics (Six)
女學生和女工 Girl Students and Women Workers
訓練 張英超作 Training, by Zhang Yingchao
山東四川的几位將領說 士兵們:--你們要像十九路軍一樣的忠勇呀! 朱夷白作 Several Generals of Shangdong and Sichuan Province Say: Soldiers! You Shall Be as Loyal and Brave as the 19th Route Army! By Zhou Yibai.
我們的"玲瓏漫畫"出版以來,備受讀者的愛護。 Since the Publishing of our "Linglong Comics", It Has Been Appreciated and Supported by our Readers.
我們的"玲瓏漫畫"出版以來,備受讀者的愛護。 Since the Publishing of our "Linglong Comics", It Has Been Appreciated and Supported by our Readers.
左圖為發表於字林西報之諷刺画其題曰"國亡無日矣" The Left Picture is a Caricature Published on the Words Forest West News with the Title "The Downfall of the Nation Will be Soon" "
殺人的科學救人的宗教 何煮石作 Science Kills People and Religion Saves Them. By He Zhushi
濁水育金魚 Keeping Goldfish in Dirty Water
動彈不得-張白鷺- Trapped without Moving-Zhang Bailu-
密切關係 張白鷺作 A Intimate Relationship. By Zhang Bailu
追逐的現在 想不到墮落的將來 與羣作 Chasing the Present Moment and Ignoring the Curropt Future. By Yuqun.
中山信徒 張百鷺作 The Believer of Sun Yat-sen Doctrine. By Zhang Bailu.
兒童樂園 Amusement Park
難為了阿羊 It's a Tough Job for A Yang
我每天必吃青菜鷄蛋或豆腐 I eat vegetables, eggs or tofu everyday.
我每天在一定時間大便一次 I Empty My Bowels at a Certain Point of Time Every Day.
我每天在一定時間大便一次 I Empty My Bowels at a Certain Point of Time Every Day.
玲瓏乒乓板 The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle
玲瓏乒乓板 The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle
玲瓏漫畫 The Linglong Comics
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 Opressions from Sisters-in-law
大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 Opressions from Sisters-in-law
大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 Opressions from Sisters-in-law
常識 Common Knowledge
腿部的美化秘訣 Tips for Leg Beauty
愛護牙齒 Dental Care
大小月記憶法 Tips for Remembering the Solar Months and Lunar Months
中毒急救法 Poisoning First Aid
美容小常識 Beauty Tips
洗夾棉單衣法 Tips for Washing
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
橫遭蹂躪 Being Raped
主僕戀愛 A Relationship between Master and Servant
橫遭蹂躪 Being Raped
姊妹同夫 Sisters Sharing a Husband
女飛行家林鵬俠女士(中) 偕其女友左蘇祖琦女士。右黃淑貞女士合影。 Woman Pilot Ms. Lin Pengxia (Middle), with a Girl Friend (Left) Ms. Su Zuqi, (Right) Ms. Huang Shuzhen.
申桂仙女士近影 A Recent Photo of Ms. Shen Guixian
馬靜芳女士玉影 A Precious Photo of Ms. Ma Jingfang.
日本提倡軍事教育,女學生亦荷槍受軍事訓練 Japan Advocates Military Education, Even Girl Students Hold Guns and Receive Military Training.
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跑倦了,坐下來休息。下圖左趙啟良,中賴若蘭,右林聖觀。 Being Tired after Running, They Sat down to Take a Rest. Below Left Zhao Qiliang, Middle Lai Ruola, Right Lin Shengguan.
天真爛漫的姚愛娜女士 The Innocent and Carefree Ms. Yao Aina
兩位水上小朋友 Two Children on Water
聯華小明星黎鏗的軍裝 Li Jian, the Small Star of Lianhua Company, Wearing Military Uniform
拍攝一幕華麗的大舞場景時所用之最大攝影車,車上裝有攝影機,高下升降,可以自如,為好萊塢最新式之攝影機械。 The Biggest Camera Truck Used for Shooting a Magnificent Scene of Dancing. Cameras are Installed on the Truck. It Can Be Adjusted up and down. It Is the Newest Camera in Hollywood.
拍攝一幕華麗的大舞場景時所用之最大攝影車,車上裝有攝影機,高下升降,可以自如,為好萊塢最新式之攝影機械。 The Biggest Camera Truck Used for Shooting a Magnificent Scene of Dancing. Cameras are Installed on the Truck. It Can Be Adjusted up and down. It Is the Newest Camera in Hollywood.
拍片前準備燈光和配置收音器(麥克羅風) Preparing the Light and Installing Sound Sensor (microphone)
從開麥拉看見的明星在表演的情形,他頭上懸着的是收音器。 Seeing the Show of Star through the Camera, over His Head is a Microphone.
有聲片在攝製中的情形 Shooting a Sound Film
名導演威廉地密爾在導演的時候,他正用電話指揮各人員工作。 The Famous Director William deMille zai dao yan de shi hou, ta zheng yong dian hua zhi hui ge ren yuan gong zuo
有聲片收音技師工作情形 A Technician of the Sound Film Working
有聲片收音室管轄音調高低之總機關 The Switch to the Volume in the Tracking Room for the Sound Film
希佛萊和導演劉別謙拍片後休息 Chevalier and Director Lubitsch are Resting after Film Shooting.
西席第密爾在導演時的神氣 Xixidimi'er While Directing
在攝影機前表演的一班舞女 A Group of Dancing Girl Performing in front of the Camera
沒有化裝時卓別靈之真面目 Charlie Chaplin's True Face without Make-up
卡泰連那島為好萊塢之明星休暇之勝地 The Santa Catalina Island is the Vacation Spot for Hollywood Stars.
好萊塢電影城之一角,觸目皆攝影場也 A Corner of the Hollywood Cinema City. There are Movie Studios Everywhere.
強姦童養媳婦 Man Accused of Raping his Daughter-in-law
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
新娘臨嫁失踪 Bride Missing Shortly before Marriage
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
兒童要什麼玩具 What Kind of Toys do Children Want
兒童要什麼玩具 What Kind of Toys do Children Want
世界收入最多的小孩 The Child Who Earns the Highest Salary in the World
電影空前明星影片大選舉 A Big Election of Unrivaled Movie Stars and Films
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
電影城速寫 Sketches of the Movie World
電影城速寫 Sketches of the Movie World
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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科學化的好萊塢 Hollywod undergone Scientific Process
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銀色底夢 A Silver Dream
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編輯者言 Editor's note
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
假房子大批出售 Fake Houses Sold in Great Quantities
嘉寶到美國的前後 As Greta Garbo Went to the US
嘉寶到美國的前後 As Greta Garbo Went to the US
電影界短訊 Short Messages from the Movie Circle
走進了攝影場 Walking into a Movie Studio
佈景的藝術 The Art of Making Film Set
好萊塢影片公司多利用小模型拍戲,此為一間華麗的跳舞場的模型與女星美娜根耐娣之比較。 Cinema Companies in Hollywood often Use Small Models to Shoot Films. This is a Juxtaposition of a Model of a Magnificant Ball Room and the Woman Star Meinagennaiti.
派拉蒙女星美莉霍金絲近影 A Recent Photo of a Woman Star Meilin Huojinsi of the Paramount Pictures Corporation