No. 088 (22 March, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
愛羣女校幼稚生臧韻芬小姐 a young student at Aiqun Girls' School, Miss Zang Yunfen
花叢裏的一對姐妹花 two sisters in the flowering shrub
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
娶妻與娶丈夫 getting a wife and getting a husband
娶妻與娶丈夫 getting a wife and getting a husband
南洋土人的婚姻制度 the marriage of southeastern Asia
一位女店員的自白 confession of a female clerk
一位女店員的自白 confession of a female clerk
男男女女的事情 about men and women
自然生活與德國女性 natural life and German women
自然生活與德國女性 natural life and German women
東方婦女優於西方婦女 oriental women are better than occidental women
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
我的被騙失身經過 how I was cheated and seduced
我的被騙失身經過 how I was cheated and seduced
我的被騙失身經過 how I was cheated and seduced
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
常識 Common knowledge
春天的衛生須知 health care in spring
春天的衛生須知 health care in spring
購食物小常識 common knowledge of buying food
新食譜 new recipes
華攝寒暑表改算捷法 Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter
製造電池 producing batteries
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
夫死析產 the right of inheritance of the dead husband
夫死析產 the right of inheritance of the dead husband
養女作媳 adopted daughter as daughter-in-law
姑媳不和 conflict between mother and daughter in law
天津林佩珍女士有聲於交際界 Ms. Lin Peizhen from Tianjin who is activ in social activities
姊妹們讓我們聯合起來吧 sisters let us league together
沈敬貞女士善鋼琴現任工部局學校音樂教授 Ms. Shen Jingzhen who plays good piano. Now she is the music professor at the Gongbuju School.
美國女飛行家愛美爾愛赫脫之小影 a photo of American female pilot Aimei'eraihetuo
票數最多之花后 the flower queen who got the most votes
大會當選之"菲列濱女士"兼女皇 the elected "Ms. Philippine" and the queen
得票數次多之"呂宋女士" "Ms. Luzon" who got the second largest vote
第三名之未西耶女士 "Ms. Weixiye" who got the third place
瓊柏耶黛之舞裝 Joan Blondell's dance suit
瓊麥許行太陽浴時情形 Joan Marsh taking a sun bath
陶樂賽萊頓之美足 Taolesailaidun's beautiful feet
瓊麥許行太陽浴時情形 Joan Marsh taking a sun bath
陶樂賽萊頓之美足 Taolesailaidun's beautiful feet
米高梅健美女星瑤娜?克爾 the beautiful and healthy star Yaona?ke'er from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc
美國著名舞蹈家在野外練習她的輕氣球舞 a famous american dancer is practicing her balloon dance outdoors
日本婦女運動開會時的情形 Japanese women having a meeting
蘇俄女子之體育 Russian women doing sport
福斯新星潘琪露斯 the new star Panqi Lusi of the Fox Film Corporation
康斯登甘孟斯舞姿 Dancing postures of Constance Cummings
丰姿綽約的巴柏拉維克 The charming Barbara Weeks
伊佛玲白蘭脫之玉影 a precious photo of Yifolingbailantuo
唐斯登甘孟斯之體態 Tangsidengganmengsi's shape
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
少女愛上包車夫 young girl fell in love with a rickshaw puller
賣了妻子做和尚 man sold his wife and became a monk
兒童 Children
母乳是嬰兒最大的營養 mother milk is the most important nutriment for babies
兒童 Children
母乳是嬰兒最大的營養 mother milk is the most important nutriment for babies
蘇俄兒童的新幸福 the new happiness of Russian children
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
定報價目 The subscription price
一襲衣裳離婚條件 a suit of clothes became the reason to divorce
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
男子都是阿Q men are all like Ah Q
骷髏上的肉 flesh on the hollow
女子最好學夏娃 women should take Eva as a model
一九三三年好萊塢的預言 predictions on Hollywood in 1933
長期贈閱玲瓏雜誌、 攝影畫報、婦女日報,完全免費之辦法 ways to be long-term free subscribers to the Linglong Magazine, the Pictorial Weekly and the Women's Daily.
補取"玲瓏"之良機 a good chance to order old issues of Linglong
國內影壇紀錄 records on the domestic movie world
珍妮蓋諾和卻爾斯福雷結婚 Janet Gaynor marrying Charles Farrell
神秘女郎發胖了 the mysterius woman gained weight
湯密克斯退出影界 Tom Mix withdrawing from the movie world
我國出席意大利影片展覽 our nation is going to take part in the Italian film exhibition
梅蘭芳也將上銀幕代價須十萬元 Mei Lanfang is also going to stage onto the screen and the rewards is 100000 dollars
幕味 Movies
影片宣傳與國體 film advertisement and the dignity of nation
康斯登裴納 Constance Bennett
菲爾伯侖 Fei'erbolun
史璜生之侯爵丈夫 Swanson's marquis husband
明星情史之七康斯登裴納 love story of stars series 7 Kangsidengpeina
底封面:雪爾維亞雪尼小影 back cover: a photo of Sylvia Sidney