No. 089 (29 March, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
最近轟動全滬之薛錦園女士之姿容 the appearance of Ms. Xue Jinyuan, who has made a furor in Shanghai recently
公園中的一角 a corner in the park
階前獨坐 sitting alone on the steps
玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
婦女 Women
為捐資購機,告愛國女同胞 Support our troops. To our patriotic sisters.
為捐資購機,告愛國女同胞 Support our troops. To our patriotic sisters.
男子心目中的女子 men's images for women
處在被動地位的日本婦女 Japanese women's negative position
處在被動地位的日本婦女 Japanese women's negative position
揭穿男子的假面 take off the disguise of men
怎樣克服男子的誘惑(三) how to conquer men's seduction (three)
怎樣克服男子的誘惑(三) how to conquer men's seduction (three)
西班牙待字女兒,入校學習烹飪 spanish girls attending cuisine classes before they get married
為了自由而結婚 getting married in order to have freedom
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
為了自由而結婚 getting married in order to have freedom
戀上了同族兄弟,父親將我配別人 I am in love with my cousin but my father want me to marry someone else.
戀上了同族兄弟,父親將我配別人 I am in love with my cousin but my father want me to marry someone else.
徽州婦女多纏足 foot binding is popular in Huizhou
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
常識 Common knowledge
肺病自療簡法 ways to heal lung diseases
黏破碎玻璃器法 a way to repair glas untensils
破燈罩修理法 a way to repair lampshades
實用常識 some practical knowledges
經濟食譜 economival recipes
行遠路常識 common knowledge for hiking
緞帽復新法 a way to refresh your satin hat
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
女子繼承 The inheritance rights of a woman
鰥寡同居 cohabition of a widower and a window
趙明女士玉照 a precious photo of Ms. Zhao Ming
女看護 female nurses
初春天氣寒暖失常,蕭女士也穿着市上流行的絨線背心 the weather of early spring is fickle, Ms. Xiao is wearing a kind of wool vest which is the fashion now
岳飛廟石馬上之洪女士 Ms. Hong on the back of the stone horse at the Yue Fei Temple
(上)同性結婚? (Part I) Same-sex marriage?
上海美專石粹民女士 Ms. Shi Cuimin of the Shanghai Art Academy
中西女學高材生徐肇循女士近影 a recent photo of Ms. Xu Zhaoxun, prominent student from the Zhongxi Girls' School
東南女體專王志新女士 Ms. Wang Zhixin from the Southeastern Girls' Physical Education College
麗寬女士為大夏之體育健將 Ms. Likuan is sport star of the Daxia University
東方女子之靜的美 the quiet beauty of asian women
歐美女子素好運動,滑冰尤為盛行,左圖為美國女子短裙露腿,正歡躍於冰上。 occidental women like sports, especially roller skating. the left picture shows an american woman wearing skirt exposing her legs jumping joyfully on the ice.
澳洲舉行全洲女子游泳比賽錦標隊之旁地隊全體隊員之健美英姿。 the healthy and beautiful figures of the whole group members of the Pangdi team at the National Swimming Competition in Australia
西子晚裝 Evening Dress of the Beauty Xishi
綽約丰姿 a charming figure
春之舞: 某夜在月宮之印象 spring dance: impression in the Moon Palace at one night
天真爛漫 Innocent and Carefree
公園中之小囡 little children in the park
赤子 innocent child
(上)烏發女星馮瑪羅之美麗背影 (above) a beautiful view of the back of Fengmaluo a star of the Universum Film A. G.
對花凝睇的吉戴瑪萊絲 Jidaimalaisi who is gazing at flowers
烏發的一顆燦爛明星終於給好萊塢吸引去了。這是莉琳哈維,在整理舞裝之倩影。 A magnificent star of the Universum Film A. G. is recruited by the Hollywood. This is Lilinhawei dressing herself up before dancing.
好萊塢女演員之健美體格 The healthy and beautiful figure of Hollywood female stars
摩律司和瓊哈羅的愛表演 Muolusi and Jean Harlow playing lovers
凱佛蘭茜坐在他的化妝檯前 Kay Francis sitting at her toilet table
案件評述 Comment on law cases
男子的蠻性遺留 uncivilized men
交際花受騙失身 social butterfly cheated and lost her virginity
兒童 Children
兒童與春天的病 children and infectious diseases in spring
兒童 Children
兒童與春天的病 children and infectious diseases in spring
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 the newest Kodak 8mm camera
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 the newest Kodak 8mm camera
男子諉過好法 men's habit of laying the blame upon others
男子諉過好法 men's habit of laying the blame upon others
奴隸論者的失望 disappointments of slavers
男子的內勤與外勤 responsibilities of men at home and outside
補取"玲瓏"之良機 a good chance to order old issues of Linglong
長期贈閱玲瓏雜誌、 攝影畫報、婦女日報,完全免費之辦法 ways to be long-term free subscribers to the Linglong Magazine, the Pictorial Weekly and the Women's Daily.
劉別謙的談片 Liubieqian talking about films
國內影壇近訊 news on domestic film production
國內影壇近訊 news on domestic film production
好萊塢趣聞 Anecdotes in Hollywood
國產新片小評 critiques on new domestic productions
國產新片小評 critiques on new domestic productions
好萊塢影壇花絮 Titbits of Hollywood movies
程步高是---囚犯,病人,搬場汽車;可憐中國電影導演! Cheng Bugao --- prisoner, patient, trunk; the poor chinese director!
程步高是---囚犯,病人,搬場汽車;可憐中國電影導演! Cheng Bugao --- prisoner, patient, trunk; the poor chinese director!
幕味 Movies
曼麗愛斯德 Mary Astor
梭甫醫生 Doctor Suofu
明星情史之八 曼麗愛斯德 love story of stars series 8 Mary Astor
將近回好萊塢之嘉寶 Jiabao is returning to Hollywood