No. 096 (24 May, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 60 (60 total)
一個夕陽將下公園路上的初夏 a path in a park at sunset on an early summer day
玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
蘇俄婦女之結婚與生育 The Condition of Marriage and Childbirth for Russian Women
蘇俄婦女之結婚與生育 The Condition of Marriage and Childbirth for Russian Women
男女比較觀 Men and Women
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不要穿時新式樣的衣服 do not wear trendy clothes
定戶注意 to subscribers
蘇俄女大使柯郎泰 Ms. Kelangtai Embassy of Russia
印度的新娘 Indian Brides
印度的新娘 Indian Brides
蘇俄女大使柯郎泰 Ms. Kelangtai Embassy of Russia
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十五歲少女破壞男朋友的童真 a 15-year-old girl took away her boyfriend's virginity
十五歲少女破壞男朋友的童真 a 15-year-old girl took away her boyfriend's virginity
外埠讀者 for readers in other cities
婦女節育的原因 reasons for birth control
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現代女子墮落之危機(下) crisis of modern women's corruption (Part II)
現代女子墮落之危機(下) crisis of modern women's corruption (Part II)
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
怎樣反對買賣婚姻 how to fight against mercenary marriage
怎樣反對買賣婚姻 how to fight against mercenary marriage
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未到自主年齡 Under the Age of Majority
婦女消息 Women's News
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
女子在社會上之危機 dangers in the society faced by women
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新婚後疑妻不貞 suspicion on the loyalty of his wife
(上圖) 杭州三潭印月的遊伴楊硯波女士陳秋草女士 (above) Ms. Yang Yanbo and Ms. Chen Qiucao visiting the scene "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon" in Hangzhou
湖濱馬上的騎士陳秋草女士 The Rider at the Lake Ms. Chen Qiucao
[Caption not identifiable]
戰地女生救護隊實習之情形 The Female First-Aid Team doing their Internship at the War Zone
華北戰地之傷兵醫院內之女生救護隊 The Women's First-Aid Team in the Field Hospital at the War Zone in North China
常識 Common knowledge
康健的祕訣 Health Tips
康健的祕訣 Health Tips
銀器變新法 How to polish silver wares
舊草帽洗新法 A Way to Clean Old Straw Hats
不宜讀書幾點 times when it is not advisable to study
贈送國民政府航空公路獎券 The Nationalist Government Lottery Tickets of the Public Transportation to be distributed
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
姐妹同夫 Sisters Sharing a Husband
妻逃再娶 remarriage after his wife ran away
妻逃再娶 remarriage after his wife ran away
賣身契據 A Contract of Trading His Daughter
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
[Caption not identifiable]
教練與自習 Coaching and Self-training
英國少女的歌舞練習 Young Enlish Girls practicing singing and dancing
軍隊式的生活 The Military Way of Life
右黃柳霜,她作了幾次失了國體的影片,所以在美國的中國人叫她是賣國賊。 (right) Huang Liushuang got casted in several movies that insult China. So the Chinese residents in America call her "traitor."
上暢愛立現在美國舊金山為一商店主人 (above) Chang Aili is currently a shop owner in San Francisco, USA.
北平的北海湖濱常有許多少女在遊玩的 The Beihai Lake in Beiping is a place frequently visited by young girls
石欄邊的幽靜者 enjoying the quietness at the stone balustrades
七八歲年齡少女之身體運動情形 girls of 7 or 8 years old doing sports
日本政府所辦之國家小學校 A National Elementary School in Japan
十五六歲年齡之小學生在風向常識測驗 school children at the age of 15 and 16 testing their knowledge on the wind direction
校內電器沐浴池的設備 The Electronic Shower System at School
工廠的工人訓練 Training the Workers at the Factory
在上課的時間 At Class
幼稚園訓練上課 class at a kindergarten
少女織機科的訓練 the girls at the training of textile weaving
(上圖) 汪玉大小姐她是一位怕羞的小女孩 (above) Miss Wang Yu is a shy little girl.
(右圖) 作鼻曲的美國小姐 (right) an american girl grimacing
上兩圖是滿州國女界的聞人在大滿紀念會留影 above are two pictures of important women of the Manchu state at the Manchu Memorial Meeting
卞鳳年女士南開女學救護隊隊長 Ms. Bian Fengnian, the leader of the First-Aid Team at the Nangkai Girls' School
最時新最摩登的婦女日用裝飾品 (二圖) the newest and modernest daily accessories and cosmetics for women (two pictures)
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
姐妹們,看過"玲瓏"如果滿意,請即介紹給你的親友,必受歡迎的。 sisters, if you are satisfied with Linglong after reading it, please introduce it to your relatives and friends, it will surely be popular.
她覺悟了(三) her awakening (part three)
她覺悟了(三) her awakening (part three)
悶熱的下午 A Sultry Afternoon
阿葛滿新 Agemanxin
阿葛滿新 Agemanxin
雪泥福司的學生裝 Xuenifusi dressed herself as a student
克萊密爾大少爺裝 Kelaimi'er dressed herself as a young gentleman
瑪琳黛得麗穿上禮服了 Marlene Dietrich is wearing suit
法國少年裝的瑪琳黛得麗 Marlene Dietrich dressed herself as a young French boy
(上) 黎灼灼金燄在"母性之光" (above) Li Zhuozhuo and Jin Yan in the film "The Glory of Mother"
(上圖) 梁賽珍朱飛在"寂寞的犧牲" (above) Liang Saizhen and Zhu Fei in the film "The Lonely Sacrifice"
(右圖) 朱秋痕孫敏在"前程" (right) Zhu Qiuhen and Sun Min in the film "The Future"
募捐(上) Collecting Funds (Part One)
募捐(上) Collecting Funds (Part One)
情書展覽 Love Letters on Display
情書展覽 Love Letters on Display
奧大利的兒童 Australian Children
不要這樣教孩子 avoid teaching children these things
不要這樣教孩子 avoid teaching children these things
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
康斯登裴納答客問 An Interview with Constance Bennett
康斯登裴納答客問 An Interview with Constance Bennett
兩週間中外新片優劣等級 ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
徵婚 lonely-heart advertisement
國片比賽"人道"竟膺首選 the film "Ren Dao" won the first place in the contest of domestic film production
明星祕密幾則 Secrets of Several Stars
好萊塢花絮 Titbits of Hollywood
好萊塢花絮 Titbits of Hollywood
一星期內明星日記 diaries on the lives of stars of this week
國內影壇紀錄 records on the domestic movie world
幕味 Movies
女明星和宣傳 Female Stars and Advertisement
雪爾維雪? Xueerweixue?
雪爾維雪? Sylvia Sidney
中國影界的野孩子王人美 Wang Renmei, the wild child of the Chinese movie world