No. 232 (15 April, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
“玲瓏” 第十四期 白虹女士 盛履謙攝 Linglong Magazine No.14, Ms. Bai Hong, photographed by Sheng Luqian
歌壇驕子 葉紅 葉英, 陳耀庭攝 Popular singing stars: Ye Hong, Ye Ying, photographed by Chen Yaoting
「玲瓏」婦女雜誌 "Lin Loon" Ladies' Magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
要目 Important contents
庆祝儿童节的感想 On celebrating the Children's Day
庆祝儿童节的感想 On celebrating the Children's Day
吴女将军做寿 Woman general Wu celebrating her birthday
吴女将军做寿 Woman general Wu celebrating her birthday
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生產與合作事業 Production and Cooperation
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生產與合作事業 Production and Cooperation
四不願 Four "Not Willing"
生產與合作事業 Production and Cooperation
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時事新詠 New poem about a current affair
情話在愛情中的地位 The role of lovers'talk in the love
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情話在愛情中的地位 The role of lovers'talk in the love
離合詞 Poem of seperation and getting back together
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情話在愛情中的地位 The role of lovers'talk in the love
離合詞 Poem of seperation and getting back together
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情話在愛情中的地位 The role of lovers'talk in the love
刺虎詞 The poem of stabbing the tiger
編後 Epilogue
陳波兒女士 陳耀庭攝 Ms. Chen Boer, photographed by Chen Yaoting
谈絮女士,李世芳摄 Ms. Tan Xu, photographed by Li Shifang
花叢中的俞月娥小姐,周子畏攝 Miss Yu Yue'e among the flowers, photographed by Zhou Ziwei
沈隱女士善攝影,下角二幀為沈女士親手所攝之弟妹,搆圖頗為新穎 Ms. Shen Yin is good at photographing, the two photos of her sister and brother below are taken by Ms. Shen herself
席與羣攝 photographed by Xi Yuqun
女子為什麼不能生產? Why can women not bear children?
女子為什麼不能生產? Why can women not bear children?
no title
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
裸體,伴宿,侍合屋 Nude, "sleeping mate", dating house for lovers
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兒童 Children
什麼是國防文學 What is national defense literature?
什麼是國防文學 What is national defense literature?
兒童教養與民族復興 The nurture of children and the rivival of the nation
兒童教養與民族復興 The nurture of children and the rivival of the nation
兒童教養與民族復興 The nurture of children and the rivival of the nation
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我們底問題 Preface: Our problems
我們底問題 Preface: Our problems
我們底問題 Preface: Our problems
郭平女士,郭少柏攝 Ms Guo Ping, photographed by Guo Shaobo
张雯小姐,陈耀庭摄 Ms. Zhang Wen, photographed by Chen Yaoting
凝视,劉雲影攝 Gazing, photographed by Liu Yunying
?女士 席與羣攝 Ms.?, photographed Xi Yuqun
陳家樞攝 Photographed by Chen Jiashu
玩性的流露, 杜鰲攝 Expression of the nature of having fun, photographed by Du Ao
不知怎样对付他 Don't know how to deal with him
不知怎样对付他 Don't know how to deal with him
不知怎样对付他 Don't know how to deal with him
同性爱的女子 Lesbian women
同性爱的女子 Lesbian women
同性爱的女子 Lesbian women
未婚受孕的问题 About premarital pregnancy
未婚受孕的问题 About premarital pregnancy
月經,受孕 Menstruation, being pregnant
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
環肥燕瘦如何適中 How to keep a good balance between fat and thin
環肥燕瘦如何適中 How to keep a good balance between fat and thin
環肥燕瘦如何適中 How to keep a good balance between fat and thin
斷乳時的兒童營養 Children's nutrition during the weaning period
斷乳時的兒童營養 Children's nutrition during the weaning period
斷乳時的兒童營養 Children's nutrition during the weaning period
本社啟事 Publisher's announcement
本社啟事 Publisher's announcement
什麼是國防文學 What is national defense literature?
安妮泰 魯意斯 Anita Louise
留法音樂家,徐嫻女士,陳耀庭攝 Musician studied abroad, Ms Xu Xian, photographed by Chen Yaoting
宣景琳小姐在北平中山公園;潘星甫攝 Ms. Xuan Jinglin in the Zhongshan Park in Beiping; photographed by Pan Xingpu
由港返滬之陳玉梅與張雯; 焦志超攝 Chen Yumei and Zhang Wen came back from Hongkong to Shanghai; photographed by Jiao Zhichao.
曼琳 霍金絲 Miriam Hopkins
妙語 Amusing words
妙語 Amusing words
力弗肝 Livex
今古豔聞: 慈溪的駐顏術 Erotic stories from past and present: the way to keep a youthful looks of Cixi
今古豔聞: 春宮來源考 Erotic stories from past and present:Historical research on the origin of Chinese pornography
今古豔聞: 慈溪的駐顏術 Erotic stories from past and present: the way to keep a youthful looks of Cixi
今古豔聞: 春宮來源考 Erotic stories from past and present:Historical research on the origin of Chinese pornography
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
主婦日記(五) Housewife"s diary (five)
主婦日記(五) Housewife"s diary (five)
主婦日記(五) Housewife"s diary (five)
徵求姐妹們戶外生活照片 Welcomes pictures of the outdoor life of our female readers
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
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珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
珍哈勞對於戀愛的分析 Jean Harlow
薛琵兒 琪孫 Sybil Jason