Nüzi Shijie
No. 002 (04 February, 1905)
Page: 106 (114 total)

運動兩誌 - Two accounts of a movement

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, school curriculum,

(mentioned in article)
周玉珍 Zhou Yuzhen (mentioned in article)
徐亞尊 Xu Yazun (mentioned in article)
王保珩 Wang Baoheng (mentioned in article)
王靜芳 Wang Jingfang (mentioned in article)
秦韻琴 Qin Yunqin (mentioned in article)
范熙煐 Fan Xiying (mentioned in article)
蘇祖潤 Su Zurun (mentioned in article)
邵麗生 Shao Lisheng (mentioned in article)
陸守民 Lu Shoumin (mentioned in article)
顧志堅 Gu Zhijian (mentioned in article)
黃冰佩 Huang Bingpei (mentioned in article)

女生會考 - Female students take exams

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

游學彙誌 - Collection of accounts of studying abroad

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: marriage, travel, women's education, Japan, overseas studies,

王恒之 Wang Hengzhi (mentioned in article)
葉堯臣 Ye Yaochen (mentioned in article)
葉子宜 Ye Ziyi (mentioned in article)

天足類記 - Recording types of natural feet

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood, foot unbinding,

孫婉如 Sun Wanru (mentioned in article)
楊蔭枌 Yang Yinfen (mentioned in article)
王運新 Wang Yunxin (mentioned in article)