No. 054 (15 June, 1932)
Page: 022 (48 total)

街頭上所見,母女之愛 - The love between mother and daughter to be seen on the street

Painter/Photograph: 茉莉 Moli (Photographer)

Subject matters: Urban scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: emotions,

陳泰恆君之女公子香瑛女士肄業於啟秀女校,旁為其令妹嬌容欲滴 - Ms Xiangying, the daughter of Chen Taiheng, studying at Qixiu girls' school. Her younger sister next to her is delicately pretty.

Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

啟秀女校 Qixiu nu xiao (mentioned in caption)
陳泰恆 Chen Taiheng (mentioned in caption)
陳香瑛 Chen Xiangying (depicted on image, depicted on image)