No. 284 (05 May, 1937)
Page: 068 (80 total)

女作家白薇女士奮鬥的血淚史及其自白 - Grieve Story of Struggle of Miss Bai Wei and her Confession

Column title: 婦女生活 - women's life
Subject matters: 詩詞 - verse, 文章 - essay, 答問 - questions and answers,
Language level: Mixed

Keywords: divorce, abuse, Family life/routine, old society, new woman, childhood,

(mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article)
中村吉藏 Zhongcun Jizang (mentioned in article)
哈普特曼 Haputeman (mentioned in article)
柴霍普 Chaihuopu (mentioned in article)
莎士比歐 Shashibiou (mentioned in article)
高爾斯華綏 Gaoersihuasui (mentioned in article)