No. 102 (12 July, 1933)
Page: 032 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


明星公司新演員徐來女士之男裝 Ms. Xu Lai is wearing a man's outfit. She is a new actress of the Mingxing Company.

Keywords: stars, movies, gender , cross-dressing,

(depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 明星公司 Ming xing gong si (mentioned in caption), 現代 Xiandai (Photographer),


王人美和薛玲仙在閔行留影 Wang Renmai and Xue Lingxian photographed as they were traveling in Min

Keywords: stars, movies, travel,

(mentioned in caption, depicted on image, depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 宗惟賡 Zong Weigeng (Photographer),