Aktuelles Alumni


HTO: Antisemitism on the rise – Jewish life in present-day Germany

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on WEDNESDAY, March 19, 2025, 7 pm – 8.30 pm. The topic will be: Antisemitism on the rise – Jewish life in present-day Germany. Antisemitism has been on the rise in Germany for years, and this is also the case in the election year of 2025. „Heidelberg Talks Online“ will discuss what this development means for Jewish life in this country - 80 years after the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 -, and how, generally speaking, „daily life“ looks like for Jews in Germany. The conversation will include Jewish citizens and be co-moderated by Jessica Mescheritzki, „Meet a jew“ project manager at the Central Council of Jews in Germany. “Meet a Jew” introduces Jews and Jewish life to non-Jewish people by sending volunteers to universities and other institutions. It is supported by the German government.

HTO: Between Putin and Trump – challenges for the German armed forces in times of insecurity

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on Friday, February 7, 2025, 7 pm - 8.30 pm CET (GMT/UTC +1). The topic will be: Between Putin and Trump – challenges for the German armed forces in times of insecurity. The speaker will be Captain Marlon Klier, a specialist in security policy and public relations for the Bundeswehr, the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. After joining the Bundeswehr as a compulsory military service member in 2007, he extended his service and participated in two missions abroad: in Kosovo in 2009 and in Afghanistan in 2011. He then completed officer training, including a bachelor's and master's degree in sports science at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich, and held various positions throughout Germany.

HTO: Resilient housing construction for flood-prone areas

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on SUNDAY, January 12, 2025, 11 am - 12.30 pm CET (GMT/UTC +1). The topic will be: Resilient housing construction for flood-prone areas. The speaker will be DAAD alumnus Rupesh Shrestha, Technical Coordinator for Flood Resilient Housing Solutions in Nepal. He holds a Master`s degree in Natural Resources Management and Development from the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne/Germany, has worked as an architect in post-earthquake reconstruction projects in Nepal and served as the secretary of the Nepal German Academic Association and as a DAAD Young Ambassador. As a scholarship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Rupesh conducted his fellowship at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Civil Engineering (now known as RPTU/Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität). He is based in Kathmandu.

Winterpause im HAI-Büro

Ein angefülltes Jahr mit vielen sehr schönen Begegnungen und Aktivitäten im HAI-Netzwerk liegt hinter uns: Dafür bedanken wir uns bei Ihnen. Nun verabschiedet sich das HAI-Team in die Winterpause. Wir werden vom 23. Dezember 2024 bis zum 02. Januar 2025 nicht und danach bis zum 07. Januar nur sehr eingeschränkt erreichbar sein. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. In dringenden Fällen senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an service@alumni.uni-heidelberg.de

Internationale Studierende zu Gast an Weihnachten

Das Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen der Universität Heidelberg möchte Studierenden aus dem Ausland Einblick in die deutschen Weihnachts- und Silvestertraditionen ermöglichen. In einem Gasthaushalt verbringt der/die ausländische Studierende einen Teil der Feiertage und kann so die deutsche Kultur kennenlernen. Neben traditionellen Familien können auch Singlehaushalte, Paare, Alleinerziehende oder Wohngemeinschaften aus Heidelberg und Umgebung Gasthaushalt sein – vom Studierenden bis zum Senioren. Entscheidend allein sind Neugier, Weltoffenheit und die Bereitschaft, den Gast als Familienmitglied auf Zeit aufzunehmen. Das Programm richtet sich an kontaktfreudige ausländische Studierende, die an der Universität Heidelberg immatrikuliert sind und die deutsche Kultur (er-)leben möchten. Der Zeitraum kann individuell festgelegt werden. Egal, ob nur für ein Festessen oder für die gesamten Feiertage – der Familienaufenthalt eines ausländischen Gastes stellt in jedem Fall eine interkulturelle Bereicherung für alle Beteiligten dar. Das Dezernat vermittelt den Kontakt zwischen Gasthaushalt und den Studierenden. Die Gäste bringen ihr eigenes Taschengeld mit. Die Gastfamilien bieten den Studierenden je nach individueller Absprache Unterkunft, Verpflegung und die Teilnahme am Familienalltag.

HTO: Inner Development Goals in Times of Political Turmoil: From Inner Growth to Outer Change?

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on Friday, December 13, 2024, 7 pm - 8.30 pm CET (GMT/UTC +1). The topic will be: Inner Development Goals in Times of Political Turmoil: From Inner Growth to Outer Change? The speaker will be DAAD alumna Nafisa Mirzojamshedzoda from Tajikistan, a PhD candidate at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Germany) and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). She received her bachelor's and master's degrees in Political Science and International Development Studies from universities in Germany (Heidelberg, Marburg) and South Korea (Seoul) and is a facilitator for global citizenship education within the German UNESCO Commission's kulturweit program.

HTO: Conflict resolution and cooperation - what to learn from great apes

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on Friday, November 22, 2024, 7 pm - 8.30 pm CET. The topic will be: Conflict resolution and cooperation - what to learn from great apes. The speaker will be Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Amaro, Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Stirling/Scotland. He received a Bachelor´s in Biology from the University Autònoma of Barcelona (his hometown) and a Master´s in Primatology from the University of Barcelona before getting his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPIEA) in Leipzig, supported by the DAAD. Dr. Sánchez Amaro then held postdoctoral positions at the MPIEA (Comparative Cultural Psychology Department) and the University of California in San Diego (Cognitive Science Department) before moving to the UK.

HTO: International economic relations in times of crises – the German government´s approach.

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on Friday, October 11, 2024, 7 pm - 8.30 pm CEST (GMT/UTC +2). The topic will be:
International economic relations in times of crises – the German government´s approach. The speaker will be Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag). Ms. Brantner studied Political Sciences at the Sciences Po in Paris and the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, New York City, before receiving a PhD degree from the University of Mannheim (Thesis: “The reformability of the United Nations”). She has also served as a Member of the European Parliament.

Networking event in Winnipeg

Calling all Heidelberg alumni for a networking event in Winnipeg on October 8, 5:30pm. The DAAD just reached out to us to invite you to a networking event at the University of Manitoba, St. John's College. The Honorary Consul Jutta Essig is delighted to host the evening of networking and information, as well as refreshments for alumni of German universities and funding organizations, as well as students of German language at local universities and high schools. Representatives from DAAD, Goethe-Institut, and University of Manitoba will be present.

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