Networks for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs
On this page you will find information about Germany-wide, Europe-wide and internet based networks for doctoral candidates and postdocs.
For doctoral candidates
» Promovierenden-Initiative (Doctoral Candidates Initiative)
» Thesis Netzwerk (Thesis Network)
For doctoral candidates and postdocs
» DoktorandInnengruppe der Gewerkschaften (Doctoral Candidates’ Organization of the Trade Union)
» Eurodoc
» SciLife
Promovierende-Initiative (Doctoral Candidates Initiative)
In 1999, fellowship recipients of the various Begabtenförderungswerke joined together to establish the “Promovierenden-Initiative”. The mission of the PI is to keep members up to date about general developments in higher education policy, in the situation of doctoral candidates and in the various funding agencies and to initiate an opinion-making process.
» More information (in German only)
Thesis Netzwerk (Thesis Network)
THESIS is an interdisciplinary doctoral candidate network in which regional groups regularly get together informally or put on special events. There are various project groups concerned with issues such as higher education policy, international affairs, doctoral training with a Fachhochschule degree or transdisciplinary research. One of Thesis’ special projects was the online doctoral candidates survey which took place in 2004 with the participation of about 10 000 doctoral candidates. You can read the results here.
» More Information (in German only)
Doktorandinnengruppe der Gewerkschaften (Doctoral Candidates’ Organization of the Trade Union)
In 2002, members of the GEW who were either doctoral candidates or who had completed their doctorates established an interdisciplinary network for doctoral candidates in all stages of their degrees. The GEW project group DoktorandInnen represents the interests of all doctoral candidates and intends to be actively involved in the restructuring of the doctoral process in Germany. A further goal is the promotion of the development of quality control standards and the improvement of structured doctoral programs. The GEW also promotes the development of doctoral conditions by organizing seminars and workshops and publishing an information brochure.
» More Information (in German only)
Eurodoc is a European association of doctoral candidates and young researchers. Its goals are to represent this group in European politics, to promote quality control mechanisms for doctoral training, to make information available about the concerns of young scholars and to create networks of national young scholars associations.
» More information is a communication platform for and by young researchers – doctoral candidates, postdocs, young researchers and those aiming at this status. The main topics are experiences with and insights into doctoral dissertations and research as well as the academic, campus and extracurricular lives of young researchers.
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Scilife is a new virtual presentation and communication platform specially aimed at academics. Open to the public since July 2008, it serves to improve scholars’ networks and to simplify the search for equipment and researchers.
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