Communications and Marketing Press and Media
The areas of responsibility of the Press and Media team include:
Media information and press conferences
The Press and Media team regularly provides information to the media and organises and conducts press conferences. The team helps with research, arranges for interviews with experts and coordinates film and photo shoots.
Social media
For modular communication on central university topics, the Press and Media team, in cooperation with the Web Office, uses various social media channels.
Event calendar
The Press and Media team oversees the online event calendar of the university, which, on one platform, shows the events organised centrally for members of the university and the general public, as well as those from decentralised institutes and facilities.
The Press and Media team edits various publications such as the “Unispiegel”, Heidelberg University’s annual report, as well as the topic pages Rankings and Persons of Note.
Guidance in dealing with media and the public
Within the university, the team offers members of the university assistance and advice in dealing with the media.