Safe arrangement of workplaces Workplaces

Here you will find information that is helpful for the construction, installation and operation of workplaces and workstations.

Information on how spacious, how bright and how warm the workplace should be can be found here. We have therefore compiled the basic legal framework conditions for the workplace.

While the requirements for workplaces are listed in the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV), the workplace regulations (ASR) describe how these requirements are to be implemented.

Standards for special workspaces

Construction standards for laboratories at Heidelberg University

The construction standards for laboratories describe construction standards that have been agreed upon for the construction of safe university buildings. You can obtain the document directly from your designated safety officer on request.


All links marked with * can only be accessed from the campus network!


Ordinance for assembly venues at Umwelt-Online (german only)

The provisions of this ordinance apply to the construction and operation of venues with assembly rooms that individually hold more than 200 visitors; they also apply to venues with several assembly rooms that together hold more than 200 visitors if these assembly rooms share common escape routes;