Before applying to university, you must familiarise yourself with the admission and course requirements.

All degree programmes at Heidelberg University are access-restricted. The general requirements to enrol in an academic programme are a university entrance qualification and proof of sufficient language proficiency. Depending on the chosen degree programme, you may also need to fulfil additional admission and course requirements. For example, enrolment in Master’s programmes normally requires the successful completion of a previous recognised degree programme (usually a Bachelor’s degree programme). Depending on the international students’ nationality, they may require an entry visa and a residence permit in order to study at Heidelberg University.


A university entrance qualification is the basic requirement for enrolment in an academic programme at a university. Recognition of foreign university entrance qualifications takes place during the admission procedure after the university has received your application for a degree programme (prior to expiry of the application deadline and including all required documents). 

When assessing non-German qualifications, Heidelberg University applies the evaluation framework provided by the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB). 

If in the recognition process, a foreign academic qualification is considered to be only partially comparable to the German university entrance requirements (usually Abitur), it is possible to apply for participation in an assessment test  (Feststellungsprüfung) in a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) in accordance with the the evaluation framework of the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB). 


Assessment of foreign qualifications

Preparatory course (Studienkolleg) and Assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung)


Applicants for a Master's degree programme must have successfully completed a first university degree programme at a German or international university that qualifies them to enrol in the desired Master's programme. 

When conducting the formal recognition examination of foreign university degrees, Heidelberg University follows the evaluation suggestions of the Central Office for Foreign Education. 

The access restrictions for each Master’s degree programme are stipulated in the respective admission regulations. These may include such prerequisites as above-average examination grades and a certain minimum number of credit points acquired in an identical or related subject area in the previous undergraduate course of study.  


Selection regulations/Admission regulations Master

Evaluation of Foreign Certificates of Education

Language Skills

Applicants for all degree programmes (Bachelor’s degree or state examination) at Heidelberg University as well as for all German-language Master’s degree programmes must have very good German language skills. Proof of the required German language skills must be submitted prior to enrolling in an academic programme. 

Master's programs taught in English require very good knowledge of English in order to begin your studies. Information on the respective requirements and evidence can be found in the subject-specific selection regulations/admission regulations of the respective master's degree program.

In addition, some degree programmes include language skills in modern and/or old languages as a requirement in their course requirements. These can partially be made up for during the course of studies if applicants do not meet the language requirements or do not have the required level at the time of enrolment. 
Information on these requirements can be found in the respective selection regulations/admission regulations or in the examination and degree programme rules and regulations.


Individual subjects, e.g. admission-restricted subjects or subjects with entrance examinations, may also require applicants to have additional qualifications. These qualifications are defined in the respective selection regulations/admission regulations or study and examination regulations. 

Please note: For international applicants without EU or EEA citizenship who hold a foreign university entrance qualification, the qualifications and requirements that serve as the basis for the respective selection procedure for the nationwide admission-restricted degree programs in Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry (leading to a state examination), as well as for the admission-restricted Bachelor's program in Psychology, are specified in a separate statute.


Depending on the nationality of international students, they may require an entry visa and a residence permit in order to study at Heidelberg University.


Visa and Residence Permit

In order to study in Germany, foreign students (except citizens of EU-countries) need a valid residence permit. Here you will find an overview of visa regulations for international students.

German Foreign Office

Further information on the application process and issuance of entry visas and residence permits is available from German embassies and consulates.

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