Funü zazhi
No. 011 (31 October, 1919)
Pages available: 1 - 170 (170 total)
國語教科書Chinese textbook
送禮佳品Good items for gift-giving
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
中國印刷界所未有之機械The machine that has never appeared in the Chinese printing world
英文科English subject
愛兒童者注意有益之遊戲Child-lovers pay attention to these beneficial games
各種童話Fairy tales of all kinds
浙江杭州有聲稱嬰孩自己藥片之功效者Someone from Hangzhou, Zhejiang has declared the effectiveness of the baby's own tablet
軍隊及旅行Army and travel
欲得家庭樂趣者不可不閱下列各書Those who desire for family happiness must read the following kinds of books
君毋專作幻夢You must stop dreaming
個人衛生篇Individual hygiene part
新書New books
女界必讀之書Must-read books for the women's circle
通俗教育畫Popular educational pictures
實用醫學衛生書Practical medicine and hygiene books
教育雜誌/ 小說月報/ 學生雜誌/ 英語週刊Education Magazine/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ English Magazine
《東方雜誌》《少年雜誌》《英文雜誌》《北京大學月刊》The Eastern Miscellany/ Youth Magazine/ English Weekly/ Peking University Monthly
普通女子最新尺牘The latest model of epistolary art for ordinary women
女界最適用之圖書Most suitable books for the women's circle
女子中學師範學校教科書Textbooks of female middle schools affiliated to teachers colleges
請用國貨Please use national products
婦女雜誌五卷十一號懸賞新題New reward-giving question, the Ladies' Journal, vol. 5, no. 11
英語週刊English Weekly
新年必備之品Must-haves for new year