Funü zazhi
No. 011 (31 October, 1919)
Pages available: 1 - 170 (170 total)
婦女雜誌第五卷第十一號目次Table of contents, volume 5, issue 11, Funu zazhi
解放的婦女與婦女的解放Literated women and women's liberation
難病之治療法(續)Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
烹調科和味之原料Cooking subject and the taste of raw material
烹調秘術(續)Cooking secrets (continued)
嬰孩食料之研究Research on child food
髮之保護術Hair protection techniques
染色術Methods of dying
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續)Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
仙人掌類植物之用途The uses of cactaceae
婢僕篇Part on servants
家屋衛生談Talk on the hygiene of family house
治家四要(續)The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續)Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
代茶之各飲料Tea-replacement drink of all kinds
實用牝雛雞困畜法(續)Methods of penning [and] raising female chicks (continued)
不傷個性之英美兩國之家庭教育The family education of England and America that does not hurt personality
喜馬拉亞山遊記The travelouge of Himalayas
美國兒童課外賺錢的方法The ways of American children making money outside school
文/ 胡君夫人王氏靈表Essay/ The memorial of Mr. Hu's wife Ms. Wang
文/ 東臺胡君王夫人之墓Essay/ The tomb of Ms. Wang, the wife of Mr. Hu in Dongtai
文/ 吳悔晦妾李四姑墓志銘Essay/ The epitaph of Li Sigu, the concubine of Wu Huihui
文/ 苦女碑Essay/ The plaque of bitter girl
詩二首Two poems
九原可作(續)Rise from the dead (continued)
悔之晚矣It is too late to regret
寒山片石Stone pieces in Han Shan
我兒之日記The diary of my son
君子花彈詞(續)Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
新派诗说Talk on new style poetry
科學小識/ 水琴Little knowledge of science/ Xylophone
風俗畫Genre painting
世界新知識 The world's new knowledge
中獎者名單The list of winners